“Thank you for doing this,” I tell her, opening her door for her.
“We’re stuck with Eric being involved. If we say the wrong thing, he’ll wonder what’s wrong, and then we might get caught. I don’t want that.” Lily shrugs and I look at her. “Have you ever wanted to go back and change the past?”
I think about that as I close the car door for her. Yes, and no. I will always think back to our night together and how good it felt, but it puts us in a weird place. I feel like I need to protect Eric from the truth about Lily and it feels like he’ll find out, like we’re pushing the boundaries of keeping the secret.
I make the drive across casino row as everyone calls it, parking at the one the furthest away from mine. Lily looks around and her eyes find the advertisement for the restaurants here.
“Sushi?” she asks, looking at me.
“I remember how much you like it,” I tell her, and she smiles for the first time tonight. Her lips are full and red, and I want to kiss her so badly I can taste it.
“I haven’t had that since college. There’s a place we went to all the time.” I see her smile falter and know she misses something about that time in her life. Is it the best friend or was there more there for Lily?
“College is a special time, especially away from home.” I speak carefully, and she nods as I step out, coming around to her side of the car.
“That’s true,” she agrees as she gets out, sliding her purse over her shoulder. I feel like a spotlight is on us and swallow the lump in my throat as I reach out and take her hand. Lily freezes and looks at me as I shrug.
“Might as well put the show on now,” I tell her, and she nods, looking forward. We make our way through the Paris-themed casino and get seated by a window with a perfect view of the sunset.
All part of the plan.
She orders wine, and I ask for a beer before we look over the menu. The selection is extensive here, and I can tell she’s watching me.
“Get whatever you want,” I tell her, and she rolls her eyes.
“I will.”
I add a couple of appetizers to the order, and Lily reaches for her wine.
“I can’t wait to eat,” she admits, laughing.
“It sounds good,” I agree, and we look at each other for a moment. I look around the restaurant to see if I see anyone I know, seeing nobody from our hotel. There are familiar faces, but I am known in this place, and we’re bound to be seen.
We enjoy the food, talking through the meal, and trying to stop feeling awkward. When I see the hostess coming through the room with Lily’s flowers in her arms, I sip my beer.
“I have something for a Lily Adams?” the woman says, and Lily looks at her, dropping her gaze to the varied colors of the flowers.
“That’s me,” she says and takes them with a nervous smile. “Thank you.” When the woman is gone, Lily arches a perfect dark brow at me. “Really?”
“I am a billionaire and well known here, so I wanted to do what they expect of me,” I assure her, leaning close to touch her hand. People looking at us, but flowers aren’t that big of an event. People get engaged here nightly, and that thought crosses my mind.
“Well, they’re beautiful. Did Eric tell you I like tulips?” she asks, setting them carefully beside us on the table.
“He did.” She nods. “He couldn’t remember your favorite color, hence the variety.”
“Sounds about right,” Lily says, reaching for a roll. “Thank you.”
We talk animatedly through the meal, laughing and leaning close, but obviously, it’s just acting. To everyone around us, we’re on a romantic date and smitten with each other. That’s the point. We watch the sunset over a second drink, and I appreciate Tahoe all over again, especially with a beautiful woman like Lily.
We are full when we leave the restaurant, and I lead her through the casino as she holds the flowers. I’m glad it’s a smaller bouquet, and I glance over at her.
“I know you probably don’t gamble a lot at work. Is there anything you want to do here?” I ask her and she looks around.
“What’s fun?” she asks, and I grin.
I show her how to play poker at an empty table, and she ends up winning some money before we leave for the night. I’m recognized by a few people and introduce them to Lily. I know the word will get out.
We drive to her house, and she thanks me again for dinner and the flowers. I walk her to the door knowing it was a good night. Next time I’ll go bigger. I’ll need to see what happens from here, but I drive away, knowing I need to plan something better.