I ring the doorbell and stare at my brother when he answers with a grin.

“Why is Thomas here?” I ask as he gestures for me to come in.

“Just hear us out, Lily.” He follows me to the living room, where Thomas sits with a beer. He’s watching something on TV, and he glances at me, searching my face.

“Hey, Lily. How are you?” Thomas asks and without answering, I walk into the kitchen setting the bottle down.

“What are you guys going to ask me to do?” I sigh, knowing Eric. I smell dinner and know it’s from my favorite Thai place. I see the bag on the counter. His cooking is awful, so this might make me feel willing to help them.

“Let’s at least sit down to eat.” Thomas stands and opens the bag, setting everything out on the granite counter. Eric gets some plates, and we sit down at the table for dinner. I have a glass of wine, and they have beer, and I can feel a pull toward Thomas in the air.

I feel it every time I see him at work, despite how gruff he’s been with me.

“I had an ex show up a few weeks ago at my house wanting in and I told her no. I made it clear I wanted nothing to do with her and I’ve been ignoring her.” Thomas looks at me seriously. “She doesn’t even live here, but she’s staying at the hotel.”

I arch a brow as Eric leans in.

“We’ve tried having her see him with women at bars and clubs, leaving with them and everything. She’s not getting the hint, and we need to try something else,” my brother tells me. I look between them. I want to glare at Thomas, but that’s not a good idea. “We thought maybe you could act like his girlfriend for a little while until she leaves.”

“She has a lot of money. It’s not like she needs anything from me. Her family enables her to do what she wants,” Thomas admits.

“How would I act like your girlfriend?” I ask, trying to imagine it. Is Eric insane?

“It’s nothing. A few dinners together around town, and that’s it. Just be seen together,” Eric assures me, and I stare at Thomas.

“We work together. What about your rule?” I ask, and he sighs.

“We’ll tell them we’re old friends when everything is over. It won’t take long—she won’t want to stay around and watch,” Thomas counters, and our eyes lock. “And if it’s that bad for you after, I can get you a job anywhere in Tahoe. I have connections everywhere.”

“You want to work in your field, anyway. Right, Lily?” Eric asks and I close my eyes, resting my head in my hands.

“I don’t want to do this,” I say, lifting my eyes to meet Thomas’s pretty, blue ones. They’re stern and imploring me to say yes, and I know why. We need to keep Eric from knowing about us. That’s always going to be an issue, and I hate that I slept with him at all. Right now, I even regret coming back to Tahoe at all and I imagine moving back to Colorado. I can do my job from anywhere, but I see my parents in my mind. They’re so happy the family is all together again, and I love it here. I just wish I could change a decision or two in my past.

I have to say yes and put myself at the mercy of my friends at work. I know they’ll tease me.

“What do we have to do?” I ask in a resigned voice, feeling myself give up.

“I think you should do a few dinners out, together.” Eric looks at Thomas, who nods. “Make it look like a date, though nothing will happen past the restaurant. If Thomas is seen with a woman more than once, that should get her to leave him alone.”

“She sounds kind of obsessed with you. Are you sure this will work?” I ask, looking between them. “Should you get her for stalking or something?”

“They don’t do much for men getting stalked, and she hasn’t threatened me. Just annoyed me,” Thomas responds, and I nod slowly.

“If you think this will work. It’s just a few dinners, I guess,” I murmur, imagining acting like his girlfriend when I know what his mouth feels like all over my body. How are we supposed to stop when I still feel so attracted to him?

“Good. He needs that girl off his back, even if he drew her in to begin with,” Eric jokes and I look at Thomas. He is the one that got involved with her and made her feel so addicted to him, much like I feel. “I guess if she’s really clingy, you guys can fake an engagement.”

“What?” I choke out, staring at him.

“Celebs do it all the time, and Thomas is a celebrity in these parts of town. It’s fake, Lily. Don’t worry.” Eric rolls his eyes.

I’ll have to quit the hotel at that point. Old family friend or not, I’ll be the woman that has a job because everyone thinks she’s sleeping with the boss. It’s a good thing I have a degree to fall back on.

I try to enjoy the food I love so much, but it’s hard with all this weighing on my mind. I’d prefer to enjoy the entire bottle of wine, but I need to drive home, and I know what happened the last time I drank around Thomas.

It’s funny that Eric encourages me to do this with Thomas but loses his mind over me hanging out with someone at a club. I’m guessing these dinners will include some kind of affection, as much as I hate the idea. That’s what couples do.

It’s a relief when I finally leave. As soon as I’m inside my house, I reach for my phone.