James takes me the rest of the way home, and I walk into my house, relieved that Hillary did not follow me back. When she was here the other day, she must have figured out my code to come onto the property. I changed the code again and I’m hoping it works. It makes me never want to have a woman at my place again after seeing what can happen.
A text from Hillary is waiting for me when I wake up. I should have known she wasn’t going to make things easy.
H: I’m pregnant. Can we talk?
I stare at the phone, puzzled. It’s been months since I was with her—long enough that she’d be very round by now if I’d gotten her pregnant.
T: Congrats? But I don’t think we have anything to talk about.
I wait, knowing she’s probably been staring at her phone since she sent the message. Sure enough, her response comes a minute later.
H: We do, though. I want you to give me another chance. I wouldn’t want to have to tell people you got me pregnant and then left me to deal with it alone.
I call her—surely that’s what she wants, but I’m not going to mess around with her. “What the hell are you talking about?” I demand as soon as she answers. “You know very well the baby isn’t mine—if there even is a baby.”
She laughs lightly, and the sound makes me want to smash my phone. “Oh, there’s a baby,” she says. “I just want you to give us another chance, Thomas. You’re right, the baby isn’t yours, but if I tell people it is, don’t you think they’re going to wonder who’s telling the truth? And how would it look for my rich baby daddy to deny his child just to get out of paying child support?”
“You realize this is completely unhinged, don’t you? I mean, the second it’s born, a paternity test will prove you’re a liar.”
“Sure,” she says. “But I’m counting on you falling back in love with me long before then.”
I bark out a laugh. She thinks we were inlove? “Hillary, I don’t even know what to say. You’re screwing with me, right? This has to be a joke.” I knew she was a little nuts, but this seems extreme even for her. She tells me it’s no joke.
I hang up on her, at a loss. I think I know what’s going on here—she wants me to pay her off, fund her life with whoever’s baby that is—but it’s not going to happen. I don’t respond well to threats, and I’m not throwing money at a problem this annoying.
I need a plan, so I call Eric and ask him to go out for drinks and strategize. Twenty minutes later, we’re sitting at our favorite table in Murray’s Pub.
“Dude, she’s not going to go away because you ask nicely,” Eric says. “She’s staying in your hotel.” He shrugs. “Maybe make it look like you’re dating someone seriously. A few dates and she might give up.” I wonder what woman would help pull this off. I haven’t seen or slept with a woman since Lily got here.
“Okay, and who am I going to do this with?” I ask, unable to think of someone willing to do that without strings attached.
“Lily,” Eric says as if it makes perfect sense. I stare at Eric in surprise, then frown.
“Your sister?” I ask, and he nods.
“We talked, and it’s good again. I promised to chill out on her, but luckily, she’s not seeing that guy. Anyway, you and she are old friends so there won’t be tension or the possibility of it becoming more. I don’t think she even likes you that much, but it’s just a few dinners.” Eric tells me, shrugging. “We can talk to her and see what she says.”
“I work with her, Eric. How is that going to look to the staff?” I ask, and he shrugs.
“Tell them you’re old friends. Nothing is going to happen.”
He will kill me if he ever finds out the truth.
“I guess it’s worth a try.” Short of Hillary going all fatal attraction on me, I don’t see an answer. I hope that never happens to someone like Lily,” I muse, and he looks at me. “I should pay someone to take her out.”
“That’s a thought. I’m surprised she hasn’t met someone else already. Hillary is a pretty girl,” Eric tells me, though I regret ever thinking that. “I’ll call Lily tomorrow and ask what she thinks about this.”
A Kind Of Connection - Lily
Ericasksmetocome to dinner at his house, and since we’re good again, I agree to go. I told him he needed to step back, and he agreed, but I know how my brother is. I have no choice but to like him and agree to dinner.
After my shift, I go home and change into jeans and a sweater, driving to Eric’s house. I find Thomas’s SUV parked out front.
“Why?” I ask myself and even consider leaving. What is he doing here?
I park on the other side of the driveway and get out, carrying the wine I bought to the door. Maybe I should beat Eric over the head with it.