Page 12 of Burn

I shook myself free and turned away. The woman was far too perceptive.

“Too late, you're blushing.”

“I don't want to talk about it, we can't get close.”

“Why not? You're gorgeous. You have drop-dead curves in all the right places, and I swear to god you have found the fountain of youth. It baffles me how you have stayed single for so long. Come on, give it a chance. I hate seeing you alone.”

Ever since Stacey had married Calvin three years earlier, she thought every woman should have a happily ever after man. She had tried setting me up on all sorts of dates, but I always found an excuse and avoided them. She had even asked me outright if I was a lesbian. After laughing so hard I couldn't breathe, I assured her I wasn’t, but it would have been easier if I had been. I believed a woman would be more understanding of my appearance beneath the clothes I used to hide my shame.

“I think it's time we got to work. Show the first client in when they arrive.” I gathered the mail and traipsed into my office.

“Walking away won't stop me from hounding you for information,” Stacey called to my retreating back.

I saluted her with the mail as I stepped through the door to my sanctuary. I knew she wouldn't let it rest. Now she had a sniff of my interest, she would keep at me like a dog with a bone.

Chapter Five


I pulled my car into a parking space outside Natalie's office fifteen minutes early for our meeting. My thoughts had wandered to the beautiful lady all day and I was looking forward to spending time with her again. Maybe, if luck was on my side, we might even share a kiss. When my cock flinched and hardened, I eased a hand over the length. “Be patient. I think we need to go slow with this one.”

Lance startled me, bringing me back to the present, when he banged on the window, and I opened the door. His eyebrows rose when he noticed the bulge in my pants.

“Come on or we'll be late. Don't want to keep your new girlfriend waiting.”

I scowled at him as I climbed out. “She's not my girlfriend. Hell, she's not even a friend.”Yet.

Neil came to where we stood and glanced back and forth between us like he was watching a game of ping pong. It would have been clear to him that I was annoyed, and he would wonder why Lance had a smile plastered across his face looking like the cat who got the canary. “What's wrong?”

“Big brother had a hard-on for finance lady, and he got mad when I called her his girlfriend.”

I batted Lance across the shoulder. “I told you, she is not my girlfriend, and I didn’t have a hard-on. I’m naturally large.”

Neil shrugged. “Whatever...Too much information. Let's go and get this meeting done.”

“Why are you always the face of gloom?” I asked Neil as we strode toward the office.

“I know I’m not gonna like what she says,” Neil mumbled.

Lance, ever the optimist said, “Don't worry, it won't be too bad. I have faith.”

“Welcome back.” Stacey greeted us when we entered. “Natalie won't be long. She's setting up in the conference room for your meeting.”

“That bad, huh?” I asked.

Lance and Neil groaned.

Stacey laughed. “I don't know but she usually uses the conference room for meetings like yours where there is more than one person. It has better seating and a bigger table. She likes to lay things out for her clients.”

“Mr Hogan, Mr Hogan, Mr Hogan, welcome.” Natalie spoke as she approached us. “Follow me please.”

“Sure.” I gave my brothers a warning glance to behave.

My eyes fixed on Natalie's arse as I followed. The skirt of the dress she wore clung to her curves and the outline of her cheeks were well-defined. The sway of her hips sent blood racing straight to my dick and I suddenly felt overheated. I struggled to keep myself under control. Behind me, I heard my brothers snigger. The pair knew me too fucking well. They would have had no doubt my eyes would be glued to her arse—As long as theirs weren't. I threw a glare over my shoulder, not that it made any difference, they continued to chuckle.

Natalie stood aside and waited for us to enter before closing the door. “Take a seat please.”

She sat at the head of the large table while I sat on her left and my brothers chose to sit on the right where notepads and pens were set out for each of us along with glasses of water and a small pitcher.