Page 5 of Burn

I shifted uncomfortably as her eyes dropped to my crotch. She blushed, returned her eyes to her diary, and thumbed through the pages.

“Sorry, it seems to have a mind of its own around beautiful ladies.”

“I understand. How about next Wednesday at six?”

“Perfect. I'll make sure we all finish in time to get cleaned up before we meet. Dinner after we're finished?”

“I…I don’t think so. You don't know anything about me, and I really don't want any involvement.”

“No strings, no questions. I promise it will be just dinner. You have to eat.”

She seemed to think it over and hope gripped me as I stayed silent waiting for her answer.

“Very well but no questions about my grandmother.”

I held my fingers up in a Scout’s salute. “I promise.”

I assisted her into the car and watched as she drove off. My body sizzled with heat. She was one fucking hot woman.

Chapter Two


I opened the door of my office and escorted the client out. My eyes were drawn to the three men who were seated, waiting. They were all equally handsome and it would be obvious to anyone that they were brothers. But Zack had the sexiest eyes—hazel with gold and green threads dancing through them when the light hit at the right angle. Bedroom eyes that would melt a woman with one glance.

His dark hair was still as unruly as when I'd seen him last. Speaking of the bedroom—his hair had that just fucked, just crawled out of bed wildness to it and my fingers itched to run through the strands.What the hell are you thinking? No men, forever, remember?They will suck you in, chew you up and spit you out in small pieces—Exactly like Paul had.

I turned back to the older man I had been discussing business with and shook his hand. “Stacey will make another appointment for you, Mr Tindall.” I swivelled to where my personal assistant was seated behind the computer. “Next Wednesday please, Stacey and when you’re done, I won't need you further so please lock up on your way out.”

“Of course, Natalie.” Her focus turned to the client. “Let's have a look at what time suits you, Mr Tindall.”

I approached the three men who were now standing. Fuck they were tallandwell-built. Polo shirts clung to every muscular ripple and pants hugged their thick thighs. They were pure muscle, not an ounce of fat would dare to invade their Adonis like bodies.

“Gentlemen, please follow me to my office.” My voice was slightly husky, and Zack smiled at me cheekily. Busted! He’d no doubt seen me checking them all out.

I held the door wide while the men entered and once inside, closed it with a soft click. The brothers seemed to take up every inch of my office, overwhelming it and me with their size. I indicated three chairs which I had positioned earlier in front of my desk.

I watched as Zack's eyes scanned the room and wondered what he thought of my taste in decor. Although tastefully decorated it would have been considered a little sparse for some. The spacious room contained only the necessities—a large walnut desk, a matching bookcase filled with financial books and several leather chairs. I preferred quality over quantity.

On the walls were my degrees and a picture of the Kiama Blowhole that a friend from university had painted for me years earlier when she became aware I was setting up my office nearby. The blowhole complimented my complex state of mind—it was fierce and erupting with anger one minute, calm the next.

Zack's eyes took the opportunity to cruise over my body. I also wore quality. My pale brown suit was sewn from soft, expensive linen and it outlined every curve of my body attracting attention from many of the opposite sex. I allowed men to look but didn't permit them to touch.

When he noted I remained wearing a jacket, I saw the same puzzled expression on his face that I noted on most of my clients when we met. The question they never dared to ask—Why was a I wearing a long-sleeved jacket, tightly buttoned up, in an office maintained at pleasant temperature?


“Sorry. I was admiring the quality of the furniture in your office. I enjoy woodcraft in my spare time, not that I have much of it to indulge often enough. Furniture making is a passion of mine.” He was babbling—embarrassed. It was cute and endearing.

I knew my furniture wasn’t the only thing he’d been busy admiring and he knew that I knew.

“Thank you.” I waved a hand at the other two men. “Now...Would you introduce us please?”

“Of course.” He indicated the man seated on his left. “This is our youngest brother, Neil, and this one here,” he indicated to his right. “Is the middle brother, Lance.”

The men shook hands with me, holding on a moment longer than necessary, and I noted a shadow flicker across Zack's eyes when he frowned. I was confused. Why the fuck would he be jealous of me shaking hands with his brothers?

“Thank you for meeting with us on relatively short notice.” Zack's voice sounded a little gruff.