Page 19 of Burn

“Yeah, I have to get this sorted out. I’m worried. I don’t want them to walk away from the business we’ve all worked so hard to build.”

“What do you think they’ll do?”

“I don’t know.”

“They were enraged when they left the office yesterday.”

“Yeah, but they both have short fuses and they’ve had overnight to cool down. Maybe they have come to their senses and realize what you are saying is for the best.” My hands roamed her body, dipping in at her waist before moving higher to capture her nipples. My cock hardened and sprang up in anticipation. I groaned. Would I ever get to work today? It seemed the more I had the luscious woman, the more I wanted her.

I reminded myself to be careful. I’d been down this road before and had made the mistake of falling in love. Sure, I felt something for Natalie, but it could never go anywhere, but when the time came, could I let her go to another man?


I strode into the foyer of our office. The clock on the wall showed it was after 11 am. I had detoured to the bank on the way. Rita, our fifty something, hardworking office manager was studying something on her computer screen.

“Morning, Rita,” I greeted as I headed for the door which opened into our personal offices.

She lifted her head as I approached. “Morning. Have you got a minute? We need to talk about the outgoings this week. There are a couple of large bills I don't think you'll be happy about.”

I spun around and headed for the desk where she sat. I noticed a whole bunch of figures displayed on the computer screen and pulled up a spare chair next to the woman I had come to think of as a dear friend.

“Okay, what have they done now?” I had no doubt this had to be about my brothers.

Rita turned the screen toward me so I could see it more clearly. There were two large amounts which jumped out at me immediately. I remained quiet as I absorbed the numbers, but anger rose quickly.

One amount paid was thirty-six thousand dollars for a Harley Davis motorcycle. That would be Lance. Another—eighteen thousand dollars was for a top-of-the-line jet ski—Neil. I studied the dates. Both items had been purchasedafterNatalie had spoken with us the first time but before I had been able to place the stop on the accounts. I rocketed past angry to furious. “Are they in back?”

Rita nodded.

I stormed through to the back office leaving the door to crash closed behind me. “Lance, Neil!” I shouted. “Get your fuckin' arses out here. Now!”

My brothers sauntered from Lance's office.

“Someone’s in a good mood. Didn't you get fucked by Miss Uptight?” Neil quipped.

Lance snickered.

My fist was lightning fast and before Neil knew what was happening he hit the floor on his backside and blood oozed from his nose. He swiped at it with his sleeve.

“You broke my fuckin' nose,” he cried.

Lance gave our brother a hand up and they stood side by side, facing me in defiance.

“You're an arsehole lately and it's all because of that fuckin' chick. You're being led around by the prick and treating your own brothers like shit. Do you really think she'll give it up to you?” Neil snarled.

“Sit down.” My fists clenched by my sides, and I glanced down to see my knuckles had turned white as my anger simmered.

My brothers glanced at each other, shrugged, and sat down.

Lance held up his hand as I opened my mouth to speak. “Before you say anything, we need to tell you, we’ve decided we want out. We won't be dictated to by some chick.”

I sighed. I had expected as much when they’d stormed from the last meeting. I hated to see my brothers go but I wasn’t going to allow the business to be bankrupted by their irresponsible behavior. Maybe one day we would all work alongside each other again.

“I think it might be for the best. I swung by the bank and spoke with Matt. I have the figures and I can tell you both, you are not going to be happy.”

Lance and Neil leaned forward as I smoothed out papers on the desk and made a few additions before speaking.

“In short, the business is worth around 3.6 million dollars. Your third is 1.2 million. Your homes are valued at 1.8 million each and the business has paid a total of six hundred and fifty thousand dollars on both. Cars have cost the business thirty-seven thousand dollars. A motorcycle for you, Lance was thirty-six thousand and a jet ski for Neil, was eighteen thousand. Did you think I wouldn't find out? Holidays, dinners, etc., amount to one hundred and forty-five thousand for you, Lance and for you Neil—one hundred and sixty-seven thousand.” I paused to allow the figures to sink in.