Page 16 of Burn


This is it; he’s going to run too. Just like Paul.

I turned away as tears flooded my eyes. I had desperately hoped Zack would give me a chance.

He placed his hands gently on my shoulders and turned me to face him. Lowering his head, he crushed my lips in a passionate, bone melting kiss. Heat flooded my body, my pussy clenched with desire.

Captured by passion, lips locked together, I didn’t realize he had eased the jacket from my body. When I felt his hand lower the zipper on my dress, I tensed, the muscles in my arse cheeks twitched.

Zack peeled the dress from my shoulders, it floated to the floor and pooled at my feet. He unclipped the clasp on my bra and within seconds it joined the dress. All the while he attempted to keep me distracted with a kiss. Dread invaded my body, but I chose to ignore it. Maybe he wasn't so shallow that a few scars would scare him away.

My breasts brushed against the shirt covering his muscular chest, and both nipples hardened into throbbing peaks. Excitement spread through me. This was the first time I’d been totally naked with a man, well except for the panties which still remained. Removing my jackets had been enough for the others and Paul had almost set the floor on fire in his attempt to escape.

The kiss lingered, I was well aware Zack was continuing to distract me but, I needed air and suspected he probably did too. I peeled my swollen, very satisfied mouth from him. He gathered me close, his hardened cock rubbed against my belly heightening my excitement. Then, it happened, and I froze in fear.

Zack stepped back. I heard his sharp intake of air, but worse, I witnessed the horror in his eyes. My body shook as I burst into sobs. Would I never be accepted…Never be happy?

I stood, unable to move. Waiting for him to show his revulsion, instead he gathered me close, and my ear rested over his racing heart.



I ran my eyes over the burns that tracked over Natalie's left shoulder, almost the full length of her arm and over her chest. I couldn't begin to imagine the agony she must have been through. The ugly scars ranged from pale to dark pink. The skin was puckered and wrinkled. After hearing about the numerous beatings she’d suffered, I suspected her back would also be badly scarred.

I held her while she sobbed and anger like I’d never felt before washed over me. If the old bitch had still been alive, I would have made her pay over and over until her dying day and it still would not have been enough. Slowly, the trembling of Natalie's body, and the sobbing diminished. When she lifted her head and gazed into my eyes, I could see the unasked questions.

“Turn around for me.” I needed to see the extent of the damage which had been inflicted on this beautiful, sweet woman by an evil bitch who was only now starting to rot in her grave. It should have happened a lot sooner. In fact, it was a pity she hadn’t been buried alive and made to suffer like her granddaughter. I know it wasn’t right to think ill of the dead, but—

Natalie inched around until she stood with her exposed back to me. Raised pink scars crisscrossed her otherwise milky, white skin.

I dragged my fingers through my hair, scraping at my skull as tears fell freely. I wanted to look skyward and scream—Why?

She turned back, her hands attempting to cover some of the scars. God, I ached for her.

“Come here.” I opened my arms and she stepped into them.

I crushed her to me, placing soft kisses over her face, her head. I wanted to erase the horror she’d endured.

“Do you want to leave? Men always run when they see the scars on my arm. None have ever stayed long enough to see the rest.”

Placing my fingers under her chin, I tilted her head up and our eyes locked.

“No. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever set eyes on. Do you really believe a few scars would turn me away from you? I want to know you, know your body, everything about you. What you like. What you don’t like. That's if you want me, of course.”

She nodded before bursting into tears and I allowed her to cry against my chest for a moment or two.

“Where's the bedroom?”

She grasped my hand and led me down a small hallway to her room. Like the rest of the apartment, it was tastefully decorated in wood with soft furnishings in muted autumn colours. Scatter cushions had pride of place on her king-sized bed, and keeping hold of one of her hands, I reached for them, flinging them to the floor before dragging back the covers.

Spinning around I pulled her to me and kissed her passionately. When we parted, her eyes sparkled. I could see she was thrilled by the fact I hadn’t run.

She shivered with delight as my hands explored her body and when she reached for the buttons on my shirt, her fingers trembled and fumbled.

I smiled to reassure her when she struggled to push the buttons through their holes. She shook like a leaf, filled with nerves. Then, like a bolt from the blue—It hit me!

“Men always run…”Fuck, fuck, fuck. She's a virgin! A thirty-four-year-old virgin!Everything she had said came flooding back. I sat on the bed and dragged her between my parted knees. Her breasts at eye level were distracting and my cock throbbed.