Page 35 of Sleepless Beauty

"Coming out?"

I nod. "I was just—"

He grins. "Taking some more pictures of the kids."

"Guilty as charged. But can you blame me? Look at them!"

Phillip encases me in his hold as he bends to look at our babies. He kisses the side of my face and the corner of my mouth and I can almost taste the honey and Whiskey from the hot toddy he must have been sipping.

"They are perfect, baby. I can't believe I had anything to do with making them."

I roll my eyes. My hubby likes to sell himself short. I've been telling him every day for the past four years, but he's still unaware of how amazing he actually is, which, come to think of it, maybe is one of the reasons why he is so wonderful in the first place.

I turn in his arms, linking my hands behind his neck. I pull him down to me, but I still have to stand on the balls of my feet to reach his lips with my own. I love it. I stroke his jaw, the raspy stubble tickling my fingers. "Well, believe it, love. You gave them their best part. I'm sure of it."

He smiles down at me. "And what's that?"

I grin on his lips. "You gave them their heart. And let's not forget those handsome, tall, King genes! They're going to be Disney-swoon worthy when they grow up!"

He laughs and pinches my butt.

I nod, giggling. "It's true!"

Phillip sighs, his arms once more embracing me. "You are one crazy cookie, baby. I love you so fucking much."

I blush at the intensity in his eyes, my body warming up under his steady gaze. "I love you too, Phillip."

We kiss. And Kiss. And Kiss.

Phillip breaks the connection of our lips when we run out of breath. "I'm thinking the guys can go a little longer without their hosts. What do you say, princess? Wanna go upstairs and have a little celebration of our own?"

He wags his eyebrows goofily and I burst out laughing.

"One, your mind truly only has one setting, babe. Two, thank God for it 'cause I love the way you think. Let me get the kids clean and then we can sneak away."

My husband kisses my nose, then turns around and picks up something that wasn't on our coffee table until he came in. Baby wipes.

"You a mind reader?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Figured they'll be covered in sugar and chocolate and I didn't want them to be uncomfortable as they slept or to rub their eyes with sticky, dirty fingers…"


That's what I'm talking about.

Wonderful, amazing man. And all mine for the rest of time!

Epilogue 2


Ten years after that…

I frown, my attention divided between the road in front of me as I drive through the stormy weather and the beautiful profile of my wife.

Something is up with her and has been for at least a couple of days.

She's pensive and I've caught her staring off into nothing way too many times to count.