Page 31 of Sleepless Beauty

Two weeks ago I was pretty reconciled to the fact that I would never see Aurora again. Getting married, being in love, and who knows at some point starting a family with the woman of my life were all impossibilities to me. My chance had come and gone. And now, look at us.

Already hitched.

After such a long separation, we just didn't want to wait. Stupid Connecticut matrimonial laws wouldn't allow us to get married the same day we filed our license, so we took my truck, drove all the way to New York, and got married there.

My ring's been on her finger for ten days now and life could not be more perfect.

I'm so happy, it's fucking stupid.

I haven't been back at the firehouse since Halloween and I'm off for a few more days.

Rory and I wanted to take advantage of the fact that she's not due to officially start her job at 'Every Woman' for another couple of days to reconnect and find our balance.

We've been living together since the night we found each other and we just work. It's that simple for us.

Sure, some adjustments in habits were required for the both of us, since we have never lived with a member of the opposite sex before, but considering that the only thing we want is for the other to be happy we've been pretty fucking awesome at domestic life up until now.

We'll start building a more normal routine come Monday, but right now we're enjoying our time together.

There was another blizzard yesterday and the streets of our little town are completely blanketed in snow, so we've only really left home to buy necessary groceries, keeping in contact with our family, friends, and the outside world through our phones only.

We have done very little aside from talking, sleeping, eating and fucking. Lots and lots and lots of fucking.

I'm a lucky bastard. Even when it comes down to sex, we are perfect soulmates and my desire for my wife is one hundred percent matched by the one she has for me.

Day or night, if I'm not reaching for her, she's reaching for me.

Utter perfection.

And yes her sweet little pussy is sore, my balls are aching as fuck too, and I'm constantly amazed I still have any seed left to unload inside of her, but here we are, sitting in front of our gas fireplace, going at it yet again.

Like I said. Utter perfection.

I groan, throwing my head back against the headrest of the sofa, my fingers clutching her hips tighter.

We aren't even fucking yet, just cuddling and playing around and I'm already about to cum.

I'm going to rupture something if I don't get inside her soon.

It only takes a smile on her pouty pale pink lips or a look from her big, blue eyes for her to get me going, so the effect she has on me when she's this close, her center grinding against my painful erection, is indescribable.

I can practically feel her heat as it singes my sensitive iron-hard cock through her damp panties and the material of my grey sweats.

They hang so low on my hips, it's only going to take me a second to push them down, pull her tiny pale pink panties to the side and sink all the way inside of her silky warmth.

For a woman who was a virgin up until two weeks ago and a man so rusty after over seven years of only my own hand, we are fucking awesome together. I never knew sex could feel like this, but I should have guessed it since she left me panting all those years ago with just a little almost-chaste kiss.

I look her over and feel pre-cum slick my tip and roll down my shaft.

Her thick, golden waves are all over us, her cheeks are flushed pink and I can see her tight rosy nipples poking through the little baby-blue nightie she's currently driving me berserk with. Her soft, ample curves and slopes barely hidden under the flimsy material.

"Fuck, you're so pretty, baby, don't torture me like this," I hiss through clenched teeth, my hands molding to her perfect ass.

My wife gives me a sultry look through her thick, long lashes, her tiny hands splayed on my bare chest. "You don't really want me to stop, love. You know it. I know it," she sasses and winks at me.

I deliver one firm spank to her peachy delicious bottom making her gasp.

"You are such a tease," I grouse.