God, I've never seen Dad so angry in my life.
And Phillip?
He's downright scary, all gigantic and pissed off. He's not one for shouting, though. He's had a level head all through this confrontation as the viper sat primly on my dad's sofa.
We have been here for about twenty minutes and he hasn't raised his voice once, no matter how much Fay provoked him.
His anger at her actions and at the reasoning behind them is stone-cold and seething.
It's all in the way he holds himself stiffly, his muscles tense, his eyes set in a deep, displeased scowl as he stares her down.
She went the Full-on-denial/Who, me?/How dare you!/Little-Miss-Innocent route at first.
My dad and I were demanding explanations and she was throwing down the tears-card like a pro.
That's when my man leveled her with a pointed look that I'm sure could make grown men squirm and told her, in a very calm, controlled tone: 'Don't fuck with me, bitch. Smarter, stronger people than you have tried and failed. We made you. We know what you did. The gig is fucking up. Have the decency to own up to it.'
She piped down after that, but she still sniffled and sent pleading looks to my dad who remained unmoved.
"One more time, why the hell did you take it upon yourself to split us up? Why did you even care?" Phillip asks.
Fay shrugs. "I had my reasons…"
My father glowers at her. "What do you mean, you had your reasons? What reasons? There shouldn't be any, Fay. I can't believe you would do such a thing to my daughter! Especially at a time when she was going through such a trauma and her friend had just passed away."
Fay glares right back at him. "Poor little princess Aurora! Everything has to be about her, right? She's all traumatized and hasn't learned to sleep through the night yet. Boo-hoo! Cry me a river!"
My eyes widen. I can't believe this witch!
I'm about to tell her where she can shove herboo-hoosif she doesn't stop mocking me when my dad interjects.
"I don't even know you, Fay. I don't think I ever did. What kind of woman could treat the daughter of someone she purports to love with such contempt?"
I turn to look at him. "I believe those are called bitches, Dad,” I tell him and Phillip snorts.
My father shakes his head in aggravation.
"The only reason you're still here, Fay, is because my daughter wants to know why you did it. And she has a right to know. They both do." He gestures to me and then to Phillip that's now standing behind me, his hands on my shoulders.
She dries her little fake tears at his words and the real Fay finally shows up full-force as she drops the mask.
"Fine. You wanna know. I'll tell you. She was in the way, Stephen. From fucking day one. I figured the moment she would finally go to college with her stupid dorky friends, you'll come around and marry me, but even with her living in New Haven, you couldn't fucking cut the umbilical cord. That fire was… I don't want to sound uncharitable, but…" she trails off.
Yeah sure, you don't want to sound uncharitable, you bitch!
"…but it was providential."
Oh! She did not freaking say that!
I take a step toward her, but Phillip clutches me around the waist and holds me back.
"Let her dig her grave a little deeper, little doll," he murmurs in my ear.
I take a fortifying breath and keep on listening to the vileness she's spewing.