Me:"Phillip King."
Dad:"King? I know that boy and his brothers. Works at the fire station. The Sheriff's youngest brother. He's good people."
I smile, shaking my head. Only my dad would call someone as big and manly as Phillip aboy.
Me:"He is, Dad. Good people. He's D firefighter who saved my life. I never mentioned him 2 U B4 BC things didn't go as I wished 4 Btwin us 7 yrs ago N it was just 2 painful."
Dad:"That's too bad, sweetheart."
Dad:"Is that why you left?"
Me:"That's 1 of D reasons, Y."
Dad:"And now?"
Me:"Now things R different. We talked. Somethin happened back then that we couldn't control N it made both of us Bliv that D other didn't want a relationship, but we'R in love, Dad."
Dad:"What kind of something?"
I sigh.
Me:"Someone got in D middle. Lied 2 Phillip while I was away with Belle. They told him I didn't want him N that I blamed him 4 Flora's death."
Dad:"That's despicable! Who would do such a thing?! And why?"
Damn, I'm not telling him like this.
Me:"I don't know Y they did it, Dad. I know who they R, though."
Dad: "And I know this person."
It's not a question: my dad's a very smart, perceptive man. So much so that if this would have been a phone call rather than a text chat, I'm one hundred percent sure he would have been able to surmise I'm talking about that bitch of his girlfriend just from my tone.
Me:"U do. Phillip N I will come over in a little while so we can talk face 2 face."
Dad:"Okay, sweetie. That's good."
Me: "CU in a bit, Dad. Bye. <3"
Dad:"Bye, honey. Love ya."
Me:"Me too :)"
I put my phone away, my heart both heavy and light at the same time. I twist and squirm in Phillip's arms and he grumbles adorably, making me laugh a little.
When he realizes I'm not trying to get away but simply to turn toward him, he slackens his hold a little so I can finally roll over and look into his beautiful eyes as I kiss him awake.
"Morning, little doll," he murmurs on my lips. His gruff voice, still laden with sleep, makes my heart go pitter-patter and for a moment, everything that's not us is forgotten.
My eyes dart first to my dad just as he pounds his fist onto the table, and then to Phillip as he paces back and forth like a caged tiger.
There's another person in this room, of course, the target of all the rage, disappointment, and hurt floating around us, the one person I know I'm never going to willingly lay eyes on as long as I live as soon as we’re done here.