I shake my head rather than share any details. “Won’t be long until I close my doors, but I’m enjoying what time I have left.”
Landry’s face pinches, and I feel her wanting to give me advice. Except there’s no fix for a bad location.
“I’m actually closing today around noon to spend time at Turtle Cove.”
A moment passes as Landry mentally tries to figure out what’s so special about that location. I see the exact moment when she catches on to the Hobo part.
Giving me a knowing smile, she explains, “If you’re not adverse to closing during weekdays, Rosemary and I are meeting the girls at the salon on Thursday. You’re welcome to come along.”
I don’t know why this moment feels like the one when I need to decide my future. Though the shop won’t survive a year in McMurdo Valley, will I? Do I want to build a life here or am I simply chasing a man? A part of me doesn’t believe Hobo and I can last. He’ll get bored and move on like every man before him.
Having accepted this fact, I’m willing to face the eventual pain. Right now, I can enjoy his company. Better to have a bittersweet end and many good memories than walk away from him now with the burden of so many what-ifs.
However, by making friends, I’m embracing the idea that McMurdo Valley will be my home. In my mind, I try to see next year at this time. The shop is closed. I’m no longer living at Velma’s. But everything else is a blank. I don’t know if I can survive here once Hobo bores of me. I’m not sure I’ll even want to.
Or maybe he’ll still be my friend. McMurdo Valley’s beauty can soothe my broken heart. I can find a job and new place to live. This town can still be my piece of heaven.
That’s why I agree to join the women at the salon. I’m choosing to embrace this town as my own. No running back to Vegas when things fall apart. I need to build something permanent in McMurdo Valley, even if I only spend the rest of my life enjoying Hobo from afar.
Iend up at the Pigstyfor the night. The place is full of college chicks who have followed Yagger back from their campus. Goose claims our youngest club brother is the Pussy Pied Piper.
Makes sense. He’s a pretty little fuck unburdened by a shitty childhood. I don’t know why he was drawn to the club. He doesn’t even really enjoy fighting.
“Ruin,” Tomcat explains when I mention my thoughts out loud on the back deck with Walla Walla and him. “Yagger grew up idolizing our president. Dressed like him, chased chicks like he did, joined the same sports.”
“Lots of guys did that.”
“Yeah, but they didn’t follow around Ruin like a lovesick princess.”
Walla Walla chuckles at the image. “There are worse people to crush on.”
I glance back inside the house where Yagger, Dice, Goose, and Smokey entertain their barely legal fangirls.
“Yagger’s still limping from the beating he took from the Halvorson fuckers,” I mutter, struggling against a bad mood.