“What? No! I’m getting the ring removed.” He snorted and huffed, feeling supremely offended that his hair had come under such attack lately.First Khash, now this?!
She had come to a standstill, just at the edge of the bench, gazing up at him. Her dark curls were tucked under the elastic, and he could not see her mouth, but her eyes had gone wide, leaving him breathless.
“Congratulations. That’s a big step.”
“It is,” he agreed. “But it’s overdue.”The overdue end of a chapter. And I’m probably going to cry once I’m home. Either cry or get drunk. Maybe both.“And now there’s an incentive to be free and clear.”You. You’re the incentive. He willed her to understand the symbolism of what he was doing and hoped she understood.Telling the whole world I’m available again.“I’m symbolically back on the meat market.”
“I thought maybe someone new was requesting me when I saw the sticker this morning,” she mused casually.”
He nearly growled, hands curling over the side of the bench.
“I’m glad it’s not,” she added after a moment, and he was positive that he saw mischief dancing in her eyes.Oh, two can play at that game. “Although I don’t know how I got lucky enough to see you twice in just a few days. Does this mean you won’t be coming later in the week?”
She blinked slowly, her thick dark lashes beguiling him to lean over the side of the bench. He had already fit himself through the opening, and her finger found a swollen vein moving up the side of his swollen flesh, tracing the snaking vein until she was able to tap her finger against his cocktip, catching at the pre-cum he already leaked.
“Oh, I’ll be here.”A herd of horny centaurs blocking Main Street couldn’t stop me. He let his voice drop in pitch and volume, forcing her to take a step closer to the edge of the table. “I’ve been needing to masturbate more often lately. This weekend the urge was especially . . .demanding.”I’ve been thinking about fucking you nonstop, and I’ve jerked off more times than I can count.He had gone through most of the brand-new package of Deliquesce pods, a complete waste when he could have been coming into the milking machine. “I thought coming in for a good draining might help take the edge off until Friday.”
He thought she would have a cheeky retort. Tit for tat, verbal foreplay, and he only hoped that their little interactions turned her on as much as they did to him.Probably wishful thinking, but hope springs eternal.What he’dnotexpected was for her to grip his testicles, bouncing them against her palms as if to test their weight.
“They definitely feel very full.” Rourke felt as though he might swoon, particularly when her voice lowered to match his own conspiratorial tone. “We’ll have to make sure we give you a good, deep milking today, help tide you over until Friday.”
She punctuated her words with another squeeze, and he nearly moaned. “And then the ring comes out Saturday.”
“And then you’re back on the meat market Saturday.”
He would ask her out the instant the ring was out of his nose. Bring a sleeping bag to the coffee shop and wait for her to appear, or else, simply wait for his appointment the following week, but by the end of the week, they would have a date.Objective: met. Goal: achieved. Bonus: incoming.They were finally moving forward, and there was nothing that could slow their progress now.
Chapter 8
“Hardcandy.Hardcandy?! You have to be joking.”
Half a dozen horned heads pressed in, leaning forward in their seats in anticipation.
Madoc shook his head grimly. “I wish I was. This human guy, he was super chatty. Real upfront about it. Pulled them out and showed me.” He shuddered, looking as if the fine meal they had just consumed was considering making a reappearance. “Wintermint flavor.”
It was another Minoan Society dinner, the second the ivory bull had attended. Rourke congratulated himself on the extra bit of brown-nosing, for bringing new pledges in was considered an act of good labor to the community and looked on favorably by the elders.Tell me I’m being irresponsible . . . we’ll see who’s irresponsible, you old cow.
It helped that Madoc was friendly enough, well employed, and possessed of a near-fanatical devotion to preserving minotaurean culture and customs. The conversation he was recounting had occurred at the museum in Bridgeton where Gwen worked, when the man joked thatheought to be considered an honorary Minotaur for as much of their semen as he regularly consumed.
“He said most of them don’t have any idea what’s in the drugs, and they probably don’t care. As long as they can get it up, they don’t want to know the specifics.”
Grumbles around the table, punctuated by a few bullish snorts. Rourke huffed, shaking his head.
“This one, though . . . said he was very particular, made his doctor go through the whole component list. He told me he started out on the blue pills but then downgraded to ‘the white ones’ when he started getting erections that lasted for hours. Said it’s a different formulation. I didn’t know they made anythingbutthe blue!”
“I guess this confirms that the places who do the full blood workups are using that to develop new drugs. Just the data they collected from this table alone . . .”
Another round of mumbles and horns cutting through the air as heads nodded. No one mentioned Morning Glory by name, but they didn’t need to. Rourke knew they were all thinking about it.Well, we signed the waiver. It was clear from the start this was what they were doing.
“A hard-on that lasts for hours doesn’t sound like a problem to me,” another bull at the table piped up. “Sounds like a typical Thursday night.” They all chuckled. Whether it was true or not, it was a punch up.
“Yeah, well, it was a problem for him. A problem for all of them, apparently. They’re supposed to go to the hospital if that happens. Anyway, this guy pulls out a little vial from his pocket, says that’s his secret weapon now. He let me grab a photo because I told him we never see these things out in the wild. He was tickled to actually be meeting a minotaur. From a human town, he said, in the city visiting his son.”
Madoc produced his cell phone, the pièce de résistance of his story, and they all took turns crowding over the screen as it was passed around the table, horns coming dangerously close to clashing, exclaiming in amused horror at what they saw.
Ejacumints — wintermint flavor
Take your performance by the horns