Page 72 of Highest Bidder

“It’s really no different. Loving a friend and being in love,” I reply. “Just add sex.”

This time, she laughs. “See, when I add sex, love is the last thing on my mind.”

I pull my legs under me and perch myself up higher. “Speaking of…” I say, feeling bold from the wine. “What on earth was that with Clay downstairs? Did you two…”

She waves a hand at me. “Oh, him? We shared a room a couple days ago.”

Then she gives a little shrug, and I know I probably won’t get any more information out of her than that. I doubt Madame Kink kisses and tells. But hearing him sayyes, Madamedownstairs was confirmation enough.

If that’s what he likes, he and I would have never worked out.

When I look down, I notice my wine glass is empty. So, I set it on the table and give her a smile.

“Thanks for the wine…and the conversation.”

“Thanks for joining me,” she replies. “I don’t get a lot of female friends around here anymore. So, I hope we can do it again.”

“I’d love that.”

As I stand up, ready to turn toward the door, I’m surprised to find Eden pulling me in for a hug. It’s sweet at first, but as she pulls away, her green eyes find mine. “Please don’t hurt my friend.”

Her tone is solemn and serious, and my heart plummets to the floor. I don’t want to hurt him. I hate the very thought of it. But I’m cruising down a hill without brakes, and I know there’s a crash waiting for us at the bottom.

“I won’t,” I mutter, and I hope she can sense just how desperately certain I am.

I’d rather die than hurt Ronan, but at this point, I don’t know if I can help it.



I’m standing outside Ronan’s room, the black card in my hand. All I can think about is how deep I’m falling, knowing the further I go, the more it’s going to hurt. My throat is tight, aching with the pain of unshed tears. If this is what love feels like, I hate it.

I love him. Sitting in Eden’s room was the first time I voiced it, but not the first time I realized it. This is not a crush or an infatuation or an addiction. I care about this man more than I care about anyone else.

And I think he feels the same. When he walks into a crowded room, he looks for me. I am special to him. That’s all I ever wanted.

Ronan leads with his heart. So, I know this is not a fling or merely a hookup to him.

Surely, we can work this out. We’ll get through it. He might be angry about the secret I’m keeping, and it might take him time to get over it, but I have faith that we will overcome this.

We have to.

I press the black card against the panel on the door, and it beeps before I hear the lock click. When I step into the room, I see him sitting across the room in a large chair, staring down at his phone. As he spots me, he moves to get up, but I hold up a hand.

“Don’t,” I say is a soft command. “Just stay there.”

His head tilts in confusion, but he doesn’t move.

I could tell him everything right now…or I could savor this moment, indulging in what I have in my grasp right now. It’s not a hard choice to make.

“Just let me look at you,” I say in a slow, sultry tone.

His expression melts into a soft half-smile as he leans back in his chair, staring across the room at me with a hooded gaze. He’s so perfect, I want to worship him. I want to fall into his arms, give myself to him, make his pleasure my only purpose on earth. If only for tonight.

Slowly, I drop to my knees near the door, and his eyes darken at the sight. As I start crawling toward him without a word, his tongue peeks out to wet his lips before he tugs the bottom one between his teeth, biting down hard as he watches me move toward him on all fours.

When I reach him, I rest my cheek against his thigh, gazing up at him with adoration.