Page 67 of Highest Bidder

“Take these to table two and then you can tell me all about it,” Geo says, sending me on my way with a tray full of drinks. I’m practically bouncing with the six champagne flutes balanced on the tray, and the entire time I’m walking, I’m thinking about what details I’m going to share with my friend and which ones are too personal.

Should I tell him about L’Amour? Or getting fingered in front of the Eiffel Tower? Should I tell him that I was spanked like a bad, little girl andlikedit? A lot.

Okay, maybe I’ll just gloss over these topics, skipping the details.

After dropping off the drinks at table two, I turn around to see Ronan walking through the heavy black curtain at the front of the club. Immediately, my heart skips at the sight of him. Never mind the fact that I’ve been with him for a week straight. I’ve been at work for an hour and I’m already missing him.

Tugging my bottom lip between my teeth, I fight back the ear-to-ear grin that threatens to stretch across my face. Suddenly remembering what we did last night before the bath, and then after the bath, and this morning…and just before I left for my shift at the club.

Seeing Ronan from across the room in that fitted suit, I freeze in my spot, admiring him. His right hand is in his pocket and his left is skating over his beard as he stops and scans the room. He never does that. So I freeze, waiting for his eyes to find me, and after a moment, our gazes meet.

As he slowly walks toward me, I glance sideways at Geo, who is grinning and shaking his head. Ronan and I agreed that we wouldn’t hide our relationship, but we weren’t eager to flaunt it either. Secrets are more fun anyway—well, these kinds at least. I told him I would have to tell Geo, but other than that, we’re not going to make it public, yet.

I’m ready to break that promise right now, though. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my hands off of him. He looks so good in that suit.

“The apartment was so quiet and boring,” he says quietly as we meet in the middle of the floor.

“I’ve only been gone an hour,” I reply, grinning like a fool.

“It was a long hour.”

“So…what are you going to do?” I ask. I know he’s not here to partake in any activities with anyone, but I can’t help but ask.

“Have a drink. Watch you. Admire how cute your ass looks in that skirt.” He leans in a little closer. “Then…when your shift is done, I’ll take you upstairs and tie you to my bed.”

My cheeks burn with his words and the image he’s promising.

“Then, I hope it’s a very slow night.”

“I’ll pay Emerson to close the club right now,” he replies with a smile, and I laugh.

“You can wait, Mr. Kade. I still have a job to do.”

“Fine,” he mutters before passing by me to take a seat at his regular table near the back. The same table he sat in the night he won a date with me.

I feel his burning gaze on my ass as I walk to the bar, and Geo is there, laughing to himself when I approach to get the bourbon neat he has ready for Ronan.

“What’s so funny?” I ask.

“I love the sight of you eating your words.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Only a week ago you said youweren’t into older guys,” he teases me.

“I found one who changed my mind.” Even I can hear the dreamy pitch in my voice.


“Ronan made a compelling argument,” I reply with a smile.

“Yeah, with his dick.”

My jaw drops. “Geo!” I squeal before glancing back at Ronan to make sure he didn’t hear that. Although I guess if he did, he wouldn’t be too offended. Geo’s right, although it wasn’t really the sex that changed my mind, was it? It was changed before then.

The night he tried to carry me over his shoulder to his apartment.

The day he wrote a line of poetry in my journal.