I chuckled. “I bet.”



“Good. I’ve got a special treat for you tonight.”

“What, a coyote?” I asked teasingly. “A rabbit? Not a skunk I hope.” I scrunched my face at him and he laughed.

“You’ll see.”

He turned and walked down the hall towards the back of the house and I followed him, wondering why we weren’t going outside. I followed him into the kitchen and stopped just inside the room and looked around.

The appliances were super old and a few of the cabinet doors were missing. There was a window over the chipped farmhouse sink, and a scratched wood table with two chairs. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this.

Adam headed straight to the fridge and took out a tall glass bottle, filled with dark liquid. I instantly knew it was blood. He set the bottle on the table and turned back to grab two glasses from the cupboard.

“You have blood in the fridge?” I asked, confused.

“Yeah.” He grinned and set the glasses on the table next to the bottle. He unscrewed the lid, and I inhaled sharply when the scent of blood hit me. I rushed to the table with such speed that I banged into it, knocking both glasses over.

“Whoa!” Adam grabbed the bottle, steadying it. “Easy.”

My heart was pounding, and my fangs pressed against my lips. With shaking hands, I righted the glasses, and Adam began to pour.

He barely filled one glass halfway before I grabbed it and chugged it. I moaned in pleasure as I drank. It was cold, which was weird, but it was good.

Adam chuckled and poured himself a glass. He pulled out a chair and sat down before casually taking a sip. I set my empty glass down and licked my lips, feeling foolish.


He smiled. “Don’t be.” He grabbed the bottle and poured some more into my glass. I wanted to snatch it from him and drain it but I forced myself to sit in the other chair and wait.

“Learning to control your hunger takes time,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “Years even. You’re doing surprisingly well, actually.”

“I am?” I picked up my glass with shaking hands and took a sip.

He nodded. “When I was a newborn, I had no control. I fed without thinking, like an animal.”

I took another sip, glad that my hands were shaking less now. “Um, how do you have blood in the fridge? Where did it come from? And why did you make me hunt animals when you had this?”

“You had to learn to feed, Sarah. And starting with animals is much safer than starting with humans,believeme.”

“Oh.” That made sense. I took another sip. “Did you start with animals too?”

“No.” He looked down at his glass.

“Did your master help you?”

He was quiet for so long that I wished I could take back my question.

“My master was a monster,” he said. “and she made me a monster too.”

She? I was blown away. I felt jealous, and angry, like I’d been betrayed somehow, which was ridiculous.

Unaware of my inner turmoil, Adam took a deep breath and drained his glass. He set it down with a clunk and grinned at me.

“Ready for your surprise?”