I looked down at the dead creature I held, and a flood of emotion rushed through me. Satisfaction, of course. But also sorrow. Like me, this was a creature of the night. A predator that must kill to survive. I crouched and laid the owl on the ground. I gently ran my hand over its feathers, surprised by how soft they were.

“Impressive,” Adam said, appearing at my side.

I stood and wiped my hands on my shorts. “Why did it fight me? I thought my venom was supposed to drug it?”

“Our venom only works on humans, I’m afraid.”

“Oh.” I looked around then, finally noticing my surroundings.

The forest stood behind us, but to the front was a wide open space with a large pond in the middle. Beyond the pond the ground rose up forming a large hill, covered in trees. It was a secluded spot, and it was beautiful.

“Care for a swim?” Adam asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

“I don’t have a swimsuit.”

He flashed me a smile that was pure sin. “Neither do I.”

I'm about to go skinny dipping with a hot vampire. No big deal.I stared at his back as he walked in front of me towards the water. He yanked his shirt off as he neared the edge and my eyes widened. His shoulders were wide and his back was muscular, but that wasn’t what took my breath away. It was the tangle of scars that covered his back from his shoulders to his waist.

I gasped, and he looked over his shoulder at me. His smile died when he saw my expression.

“Oh. Yeah.” He shrugged and turned to face me. “I guess I should’ve warned you about that.”

“What happened?” I asked, trying not to stare at his bare, muscular chest.

“My master tried to teach me obedience.” He rolled his eyes, as if it were merely an annoyance.

I shook my head. “I don’t understand. Why didn’t you heal?”

“It's not a fun story, and I’d rather swim than tell it.”


“Especiallysince you don’t have a swimsuit.” The corner of his mouth curled, and he turned back around and continued towards the water.

My heart began to pound, and I fought to calm it, knowing he could probably hear it. I swallowed and followed him to the water. When he reached the edge, he kicked off his shoes. With his back still to me, he slid his pants off and tossed them to the side. I stumbled to a halt at the sight of him. He walked into the water until it came up to his waist, then dove under the surface.

“Oh my god.” I said aloud. “I can’t believe this is happening.” I hurried to the edge of the pond and yanked my clothes off as fast as I could. I rushed into the water, bracing for the initial cold, but found myself pleasantly surprised by how comfortable it felt.

“I love this place,” Adam said, startling me. He had resurfaced a few feet away.

I yelped and ducked down in the water to hide my naked body. He grinned and splashed me. I laughed and splashed him back. He wiped the water from his face, still grinning, then he leaned back into the water and floated away. I watched him drift a moment, before swimming after him.

When I reached his side, he lifted his head to look at me. I stretched my feet down to see if I could touch the bottom, and the water came up to my nose. I kicked off the bottom and started treading water.

My eyes widened as Adam swam over and took me in his arms, holding me up to keep my face out of the water. My naked skin slid against his and I clenched my jaw to keep myself from moaning.

He held me close, our faces only inches apart. His eyes were completely black. I could feel his hardness pressed against me.

I should say no. I should move away. He’s a complete stranger, whom I knew nothing about. Except that he's deadly. But I was deadly too now, and I wanted him like I’ve never wanted anyone before.

Before I could change my mind, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my mouth to his. He groaned and ran his tongue across my lips. My lips parted, and he thrust his tongue inside. I rocked against him, and his hands slid down to cup my ass. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pressing myself against his cock. He devoured me with his mouth, kissing me until I could barely breathe. I leaned on his shoulders to lift myself up, sliding myself against the length of his cock.

Fuck, that felt good.I slid again and again, faster each time, my frantic movement making the water splash around us. I could feel the tension building inside of me, and I chased it. I couldn’t believe how fast it was happening. I’d never felt anything like this before.

The next time I slid up his body he thrust his hips forward, bringing me down onto his cock. I cried out as I sank onto him, and ground forward rubbing my clit against him.

“Adam.” I moaned his name as I began to ride him. He kissed my neck and my shoulders as he thrust into me.