“Immortal.” I murmured.

“You don’t sound too impressed.”

“Living forever while everyone I know dies? It sounds sad to me. And lonely.”

“You have no idea,” he said softly.

“And we can fly.” I shook my head in amazement.

He smiled a little. “Like a tolerance for sunlight, it is a skill that is acquired with age.”

“Oh.” That was disappointing. “What about hypnosis? Can vampires really put people into a trance?”

“That is true, to some extent. When we feed, our fangs produce a venom that will put a human into a drug-like trance. A short while later, the venom wears off and the human should have no memory of what happened.”

“What happens when they see the holes in their neck?” I asked, lifting a hand to touch my neck.

“Simply rub a drop of your blood over the wound and it will heal before they wake from their trance.”

“My blood?” I raised my brows at him.

He stood and moved to sit on the couch beside me. I turned my body, facing him. His fangs dropped down so quickly I jerked back against the arm of the couch.

“It's alright,” he said softly. He pressed his thumb to the tip of one fang and then held it out for me to see the drop off blood gleaming on it. He reached towards me and I sucked in a breath, holding it.

Our eyes met and held. Without breaking my gaze, he lifted his hand to my neck and rubbed his thumb over the bite mark. My skin warmed and tingled at his touch. For a moment we stayed like that, gazing into each other's eyes, his hand cupping my neck. Then he let his hand fall and the spell was broken. I blinked and cleared my throat.

“One drop is all it takes.” He looked down at his thumb, which had already healed. “Vampire blood has amazing healing abilities.”

“I’ve noticed.” I rubbed a hand over my face, remembering how my wounds had disappeared. “How did you make your fangs come down like that?”

He looked at me.

“I can’t control mine,” I explained. “They come down whenever they want.”

He chuckled. “You’ll get the hang of it.”

I hoped so.

“Now let's talk about you,” he said.

“Okay,” I said slowly. There wasn’t much to tell. Nothing about my depressing life would fascinate a centuries-old vampire.

“I’ve given it some thought, and I think you should stay with me a while. I can help you. I can teach you how to live as a vampire, and how to remain undetected by the Strategoi.”

“Why would you do that?” I asked. “Wouldn’t that put you at risk?”

“It would,” he admitted.

“Then why? You don’t even know me, why would you risk your life to help me?”

“Because like you, I was not given a choice. Mymaster,”he said the word with distaste, “did not seek my permission before changing me.”

My eyes widened. I don’t know what answer I’d been expecting, but it wasn’t that.

“And because you were right earlier, being immortal islonely.” He sounded sad when he said it, but then he laughed. “Andboring.” He rolled his eyes dramatically. “I’ve been bored for acentury,Sarah. So stay and let me help you.”

“Okay.” I smiled shyly. “I’ll stay.”