“I feel bad wasting your money like that. I feel bad even spending your money in the first place. Come to think of it, how do you even have money? It’s not like you have a job, right? Or do you? That's probably something I should’ve asked before now.”

“No, I don’t have a job. Most vampires don’t. We’re more into investments. But I’ll explain all that tomorrow. Right now we’re wasting precious shopping time. You need clothes, shoes, a purse? Don’t forget we’re going dancing after this. And you’ll need toiletries. I’d like my hairbrush back eventually.”

I elbowed him in the side. “Okay, you asked for it.”

I tossed in jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops, shorts, sundresses, a denim jacket, two purses, several pairs of shoes, socks, and pajamas. In no time at all, the cart was filled to the brim. When we reached the underwear section, I hesitated and looked at Adam. He lifted a pink lace thong from atop a pile and grinned at me.

“Do I get any say in this?” he asked coyly.

I swatted his hand, and he dropped the underwear.

“No,” I said, fighting a smile. “Go stand over there.” I nodded to the end of the aisle.

He sighed dramatically and walked away. He leaned against a shelf, keeping his back to me. I quickly grabbed the pink thong and stuffed it in the cart under a sweatshirt before picking out a bunch of bras and underwear. Once I had a pile of underthings in the cart, I started to cover them with clothes, then I stopped. After everything I’d done with Adam, I was shy about him seeing my underwear?

I headed over to Adam. He glanced in the cart then at me. “Now how about a hairbrush?”

A minute later, I stood in front of the lotion wondering if I even needed it anymore.Did vampires get dry skin?I heaved a sigh.

“Problem?” Adam asked over his shoulder. He stood at the end of the aisle, giving me privacy to pick out my “girly stuff” as he put it.

“No, I’m good.” I tossed the lotion in the cart, along with my shampoo, conditioner, and deodorant. I stopped in front of the makeup section, then caught sight of myself in a mirror.Oh yeah, I have flawless, radiant skin now. I forgot about that. No need for makeup then.I’ll admit that I was pleased about that.

I stood behind Adam at the checkout and kept my face averted, in case my eyes turned black or my fangs came down. Everything went smoothly though, and we were back at the truck in no time.

Luckily there was a locker box in the back of the truck because there was no way all my clothes would fit in the front with us. I grabbed a sundress and a pair of strappy sandals out of a bag, and helped Adam toss the rest of the stuff in the back.

A few minutes later we were back on the road. I changed into my new dress as Adam drove. He glanced at me a couple times and I scowled at him playfully.

“Eyes on the road.”

I forgot to grab a bra and underwear so I had nothing on under my dress.Oh well. Adam would have easy access later on.I smiled at the thought.

“What's so funny?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I said innocently. “I’m just in a good mood.”

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and I laughed.

Chapter 13

Wedrovefurtherintotown and there were people everywhere. I watched them as we drove past and though I did not feel an uncontrollable need to feed, I was definitely wound tight. I felt excited and alert.

“This must be how a cat feels, watching birds through the window,” I murmured as we drove past a group of people.

Adam parked on the side of the road and came around to open my door. He took my hand as I climbed down and I gripped him tightly. A couple of guys were walking towards us. They were talking and laughing, totally unaware of the danger they were in.

“Look at me,” he said. I turned away from the two men and met his eyes. “Don’t make me give you another lesson in patience.” He slid his free hand down my hip and grabbed the fabric of my dress in his fist, bunching it up, raising the hem several inches.

I leaned forward and lifted up on my toes to press my lips to his. He deepened our kiss, sliding his tongue into my mouth. I moaned against him and he stepped closer, pressing me back with his body until I was pinned between him and the side of the truck.

“Yeah buddy! Give it to her!” One guy shouted as they walked by. His friend busted out laughing.

Adam lifted his head and looked down at me. “I intend to, but first we’re going dancing.”

When we approached the club, it became obvious that we were both underdressed. Especially me. Adam fit in with his navy button-down shirt and dark jeans, but I stood out like a sore thumb in my new sundress. The women standing in theverylong line were all wearing tight mini dresses with dangerously high heels.

Adam led me to the front of the line, handed the bouncer some cash, and we went straight inside.