Page 164 of Knot Broken

Warmth spreads through my chest. He understands my emotions like they were his own.

“It looks like we’re going to have to walk a bit,” Simon mutters from the front seat. “All the best parking spots have been taken up.”

“Keep driving forward and go to the left,” I instruct. “There’s a concealed alleyway in that street where we can park safely.”

Seth follows my directions and soon, we have a prime spot that’s close to the house.

“Is anyone feeling hungry?” Simon asks as we get out of the car.

“We’vejustarrived,” Seth mutters, fixing his jacket.

“The only perk about my dad’s parties is the food and drinks,” I tell them. “His dad jokes might be a tad bit dry but he gets the best caterers in town to bring the food.”

“He sounds like my kind of man,” Simon says, grinning. “All’s forgiven as long as the food’s good.”

A chuckle escapes me as we walk out of the alleyway and join the throng of well-dressed people who’re all moving toward the tall gates that lead into my dad’s mansion.

“I’m glad he has good security,” Seth remarks as we step inside the well-lit grounds. “But, they don’t look like they’re from the military.”

“It’s a casual party,” I say. “Do we really need military-level protection here?”

“This crowd is full of bureaucrats,” he says as we walk across the front lawn. “Mayor Bailey should’ve asked us to send some of our men here.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” I say. “Besides, if any trouble breaks out, I have you guys to protect me.”

Seth’s hand closes over mine. “You’re right about that. We’ll always keep you safe, love.”

A valet approaches me and ushers us inside the entrance hall.

The buzz of loud conversations surrounds me as I step into the room. People clothed in luxurious tuxes and extravagant gowns crowd together in groups, talking and laughing.

Walking among them, I catch a glimpse of several high-profile politicians.

Looks like Dad’s usual crowd, I think wryly before reaching for a glass of fruit punch from a passing valet.

Three solid walls of muscle surround me as I walk through the throng of guests. While I love how madly protective my mates are, their ridiculous heights don’t allow me to see anything in front of me.

“I need a little space,” I say, halting in my steps. “I need to look for Dad.”

“He’s over there,” Seth says at once.


“Over there. Look! He’s waving at us.”

I lightly hit him in the chest. “Seth, move,” I say, chuckling. “You’re blocking my view.”

“Oh,” he mumbles, like he’s just realized it.

When he shifts, I catch a glimpse of Dad hurrying toward me through the crowd.

“Rory! Sweetheart!” he greets me, wrapping his arms around me in a gentle hug.

“Hey, Dad,” I say, hugging him tightly.

His round cheeks are already a bright red which tells he’s already had enough to drink. His relaxed smile turns jubilant as he meets my gaze.

“You’re still skinny but it’s not as bad as it was a couple of months ago,” he says in a gruff voice.