Page 148 of Knot Broken

A warm smile is etched on his face as he speaks with the twins. His pale blue eyes twinkle, softening his features.

“Come,” says Seth. “Let’s say hello.”

Raiden glances at me as we approach him. A hint of curiosity flickers in his eyes as he looks at me.

I press closer to Seth as the stranger’s gaze roves over me.

The curiosity in his eyes soon disappears as he gives me a kind smile. “Hi, I’m Raiden.”

I give a stiff nod. “I’m Rory.”

“It’s great to meet you,” Raiden says. “Shall we get started with the preliminary procedures? After that, you can move freely inside the facility.”

“Okay,” I answer nervously.

“Great! Come this way.” Raiden turns around, gesturing at my mates.

We follow him down a long hallway until he stops outside a door. Pushing through it, he leads us inside a brightly-lit room.

“We’ll start with scanning for your fingerprints,” Raiden says, pointing to a glass-walled stall in the corner. A man in a black uniform, similar to his, sits behind a desk with a computer and several gadgets laid out before him.

The next half an hour goes into getting my fingerprints as well as eyeballs scanned, followed by videos on procedures to follow during several emergencies.

It’s incredible to think that all these security measures are being taken to protect a group of harmless women, not some national treasure.

I’ve always been told how precious and rare it is to be designated as an omega. Only the richest and most powerful people get the chance to become an omega’s mate.

These comments gave me an inflated sense of self-worth. I thought I was better than any beta woman. Only now, I realize how I lived most of my life believing in all that bullshit.

Omegas are the weakest and most vulnerable in our society. I’d rather be a beta woman and have the power to fight for my fate than be treated like a prized possession.

Glancing over at Seth, Oliver, and Simon, I realize I’m luckier than most omegas. At least, they found me and recognized me as their mate. Without them, I’d be just as broken and helpless as the women I’m about to meet.

“We can go into the main hall now,” Raiden says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

Seth, Oliver, and Simon gather around me, guarding me with their bodies as Raiden leads the way forward. Their presence calms me, allowing me to walk through the quiet, stark hallways without feeling intimidated.

“They’ll be gathering in the dining area for lunch, so let’s start there,” Raiden says.

“That’ll be great,” Simon says. “It’s a chance to have them all in one place together.”

“Yeah, but that also poses the risk of them starting to beg for the drugs,” Raiden says, his expression growing grimmer. “Be sure to stay with your mates, Rory,” he adds.

“I will,” I say, grabbing Seth’s hand.

The hallway opens onto a vast space dotted with several round tables and chairs. One of the walls is completely made of glass, allowing the afternoon sunshine to stream in and light up the dining area.

Some of the tables are already occupied by women in pale pink dresses. Several others are walking into the room and spreading out to take up the rest of the seats.

Nurses in neat white uniforms walk around them, carrying trays of food.

Standing in a corner, our group watches them in silence.

I don’t recognize any particular face yet but I’m sure they’d all been with me in those horrible underground cages. Their emaciated bodies, limp hair, and haunted, shadowed eyes remind me of the way I used to look when Seth first rescued me.

No one speaks much as they start eating from the plates set before them.

I walk closer to a group of young women. From my vantage point, I can see the food that’s on their plates.