Page 116 of Knot Broken

I can’t find the right words to comfort her as she weeps uncontrollably.

The way she’d been writhing and twisting in her sleep was a sign of unresolved trauma.

I’ve seen this happen to a lot of soldiers after they return home from a battlefield or after enduring torture at the hands of the enemy. These men are fine when they’re awake and conscious, but the moment they’re asleep, their subconscious takes them back to the most excruciating moment of their suffering.

If left untreated, the victim would fear falling asleep. Most resort to drugs while others manifest worse psychological disorders.

I can only imagine what those Black Widow bastards did to her. The mere thought of them touching her and hurting her makes my insides boil with rage. I want to break every bone in their body before giving them the slowest, most excruciating deaths.

“Rory, I’m here.” My voice comes out as a fierce growl. “I’ll never let those monsters touch you again. I promise you, my princess. They’ll all die for making the mistake of ever hurting you.”

“Please, stay with me,” she says in a trembling voice. “I c-c-can’t sleep alone anymore. Anytime, I close my eyes, I go back to that horrible place.”

“You don’t have to sleep alone,” I say, tightening my arms around her trembling body. “You only have to ask, Rory. We’re all here for you. We’re yours.”

Breaking away, she looks into my eyes. “Mine?”

I nod. “Yours,” I reply in the sincerest tone I can muster.



Fear courses through my veins, refusing to release its hold on me. My eyes blink against the light bathing the room but I still can’t seem to shake off the nightmare that’d felt too real.

“Rory, I’m here with you,” Simon’s voice calls out to me.

My arms lock tighter around his neck. The fresh aroma of lemony green tea wafts from his naked skin, pervading my senses.

I inhale deeply, willing myself to forget the touch of that disgusting alpha who kept me blindfolded. His tactic added a touch of dread and uncertainty that heightened my distress.

Back in those days, I was able to keep myself numbed to everything, but each time I slip into my subconscious, everything becomes too real. Every emotion and sensation I’d blocked out keeps coming back to haunt me.

“Please, stay with me,” I say in a trembling voice. “I c-c-can’t sleep alone anymore. Anytime, I close my eyes, I go back to that horrible place.”

“You don’t have to sleep alone,” Simon says, tightening his arms around my trembling body. “You only have to ask, Rory. We’re all here for you. We’re yours.”

Breaking away, I look into his eyes. “Mine?”

He nods. “Yours.”

Heat sparks in my chest at that one word. The fear choking me loosens its hold, allowing me to breathe again.

A desire to touch him overwhelms me. I pounce on him, claiming his mouth with mine.

He hesitates for a moment, his fingers brushing against my sides.

I wait for him to pull away from me but he doesn’t. He lets out a soft sigh before swiping his tongue against my lips.

I open up to him, allowing his tongue to sweep in. He’s slow and gentle, taking his time to taste me.

Warmth floods my veins, chasing away the chill that’d buried deep into my bones. His kiss drowns my senses in his scent and touch, sparking a flame deep in my core.

I’m left gasping and panting for breath by the time he pulls away.

Reaching out, he brushes away a stray strand away from my eyes. “Are you cold, Princess?” he asks.

“A little,” I confess.