Page 114 of Knot Broken

“It’s true that we’re unfamiliar with Jake Hudson and his companions,” says Oliver. “But think about it, Seth. How common is it for a regular old secretary to get a chance to go on a public forum and stand for an election right out the gate?”

“I don’t know,” Seth mutters darkly.

“Well, you’ve got to grease the wheels with alotof donations to the parties involved,” I say.


“So, we figure out whether he comes from money or not,” I say. “Let’s investigate the guy and find out more about him. That will give us a clue as to whether he was involved in Rory’s disappearance.”

“That’s a start,” Oliver agrees.

“All right, we’ll look into both Kelso and this Hudson guy,” Seth says, looking between me and Oliver. “Let’s keep it quiet from Rory, though. I don’t want anything stressing her out while she’s with us.”

Oliver glances at me. His one look is enough for me to know that he agrees with Seth.

“Got it,” I say in a grim tone. “It’ll remain between us until Rory feels safe enough to tell us how she ended up in the clutches of the Black Widow.”

A wry look comes over Seth as he gazes at the stuff we’ve piled up in the corner of the room. “It’s too late to work on her room tonight.”

Oliver yawns widely. “Yeah, I’m beat. We can tackle this stuff tomorrow morning.”

“Where’s Rory sleeping?” I ask.

A light smile blossoms on Seth’s lips. “I found her curled up in her room,” he says. “She was in deep sleep, so I didn’t call her and let her rest.”

“I’m glad she feels safe enough to fall asleep here,” I say as a tinge of relief spreads through me.

“Let’s check on her and get to bed,” says Oliver, getting to his feet. Yawning widely, he stretches his arms over his head. “We’ve got a meeting with the Solveig Pack tomorrow, so we need to be at the headquarters early morning.”

“You guys go ahead,” Seth says, grabbing the empty cans of beer. “I’ll clean up in here and join you guys in a minute.”

Leaving him to clear the coffee table, Oliver and I head upstairs.

The house is so quiet, our footsteps sound loud in our ears. Slowing down, we gently push open the door to Rory’s room.

“Isn’t she cute?” I whisper, staring at our sweet mate. She’s made a makeshift nest on the bed by using some of our pillows. Her petite frame is swathed in a dark hoodie as she gently snoozes.

“She’s already addicted to our scents,” Oliver says in a lowered voice. “She’ll soon realize what we mean to her.”

Hope sparks in my chest. It’ll be the happiest day of my life to know she recognizes us as her mates too.

The sound of heavy footsteps makes me look toward the staircase.

Seth comes up and marches toward us. Peering over our shoulders, he watches Rory too.

Our hearts beat in synch as we gaze at her. She’s truly ours.

“We should let her sleep,” Seth whispers, stepping away. “Come on, let’s go.”

It’s a struggle to tear my gaze away from her. A sigh escapes me as I gently close the door and follow Seth and Oliver down the corridor.

Seth walks ahead while Oliver and I enter our rooms.

“The last few days have been something,” Oliver says I close the door behind me.

“Who knew we’d go to the Richmonds’ artsy-fartsy charity gala and come home with Rory?” I say with a chuckle. Kicking off my shoes, I proceed to unbutton my shirt.

“Seriously, though,” Oliver says, fixing his gaze on me. “Doesn’t it feel like fate?”