Page 109 of Knot Broken

“Do you think he had a hand in her disappearance?”

Simon goes quiet for a moment. “I have no idea who he is,” he mutters. “Let’s ask Heather about him some more. I’m sure she’ll give us more info than Rory.”

I nod. “That’s a good idea. I don’t want to stress Rory by asking her about things that’ll upset her. Heather will tell us everything we need to know.”

Simon lays down on the bed while his legs still hang off the edge. “Rory grew up like a real princess, huh?” A dreamy grin comes onto my brother’s lips as he hugs a cushion to his chest.

“I’m glad she grew up in a loving home,” I say. “The love she received from her dad and her friends made her strong enough to resist the drugs that those assholes used on the other omegas. It’s the only reason she still has a chance to overcome the hell they put her through.”

A shudder goes through my brother. “I’ll never forget the sight of those poor omegas when they were first brought into the rehab center. They didn’t give a rat’s ass about what we’d do to them. Those drugs deadened them to every emotion, including fear and pain.”

“Rory might’ve escaped the side effects of those horrible drugs but she’s bound to go through traumatic episodes after what she’s endured,” I say in a grim tone. “We must protect her from the nightmares that’ll come to haunt her.”

A determined look comes over Simon. “One of us must always be around to look after her.”

I nod, agreeing with him wholeheartedly.

Rory might’ve escaped the Black Widow’s clutches but it’ll be a while before she overcomes the trauma of being a captive. I and my brothers have to be vigilant at every moment. We have to make her trust us enough to tell us who hurt.

Suddenly, I can’t wait to go back home and make sure she has everything she needs to build a nest in our home.



The cottage seemed small and cozy when Seth and his brothers were around. Now that they’ve all gone away, the place feels awfully cold and quiet.

Grabbing one last cookie, I gather all the used-up mugs and plates and take them into the kitchen.

I’d hoped the chore would keep me busy but to my surprise, it barely takes ten minutes to wash them and put them away in the cabinets. Glancing toward the kitchen windows, I see that the sky outside has darkened.

Walking back into the living room, I stare at the wall-mounted clock. It’s only been thirty minutes since Seth and his brothers left to get me all the stuff I’d need to transform the upstairs bedroom into a nest.

It’s going to take them a few more hours to return home from their trip.

A sigh escapes me as I aimlessly walk around the cottage. My wandering feet take me upstairs and into Seth’s room. The subtle hint of rosemary in the air instantly feels familiar.

Moving toward the wooden cabinet in the corner, I open it.

A stronger rosemary scent pervades my senses, making me smile. My hand eagerly sifts through the clothes hanging there and finally stops at an old hoodie.

Leaning closer, I sniff at the soft fabric. Seth’s scent wafts into my nostrils, immediately warming me. I pull it out and wrap the hoodie into a ball before cuddling it to my chest.

Hoping Seth wouldn’t mind me borrowing his hoodie, I walk out of the room.

With nothing else to do, I head into the unused room that’d soon be mine.

Entering the room, I look around at the bare furniture.

The quiet space feels strange and foreign.

“That’s not a bad thing,” I murmur to myself, passing by the beige-painted walls. “I can treat it like a bare canvas and add my special touch to it.”

My thoughts make me halt in my steps. It’s barely been a day and I’m already planning to stamp my presence in this cottage and claim it asmine.

A powerful emotion flares inside me, taking me by surprise. I never felt this strongly about anyone before. Even when I was with Jake, I never felt this insane need to claim him.

Mates, a small voice whispers in my mind.