Page 91 of Knot Broken

Simon and Oliver’s expressions soften. They glance at Seth before looking back at me.

“You were one of the victims we rescued from those shitty underground bunkers?” Oliver says, his voice catching in his throat.

Simon shakes his head and runs his fingers through his thick dark locks. “Is that the reason you’ve lost so much weight?” he asks with a hurt look in his eyes.

“Losing weight is nothing compared to the hell they put me through,” I say in a bitter voice.

A stuttering breath leaves Seth. “Don’t ask her about anything else,” he says, staring up at his brothers. “The mere mention of those bastards sent her into a panic attack. It’s just been a few weeks since she got out of that shithole. She’ll need more time to heal from her trauma.”

Oliver nods. “Don’t worry. We won’t ask her anything.” Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he slowly extends his hand toward me.

He gives me the opportunity to reject his touch but I stay still.

Finally, he touches my head and gently caresses my ebony strands. “We’re so sorry about the things you went through, Rory,” he says in a gentle, sincere voice. “I only wish we could’ve gotten there sooner.”

“None of it was your fault,” I tell him. “I was the one who was stupid enough to ignore all the red flags and trusted someone I shouldn’t have.”

“Who was it?” Simon demands, looking furious. “Tell us the name of the asshole who did this to you. I’m sure you didn’t walk down there and asked them to capture you. Someone must’ve forcibly taken you there.”

Jake’s name is on the tip of my tongue but I stay quiet.

“Rory, tell us,” Oliver urges.

“I’m not ready to talk about it yet,” I say, looking away.

It’d be so easy to give them Jake’s name. I’m sure they’ll go out to confront him this very second, but I don’t want Seth and his brothers to get entangled with that wicked snake just yet.

Jake ismyenemy. I must be the one to destroy him.

“Rory, tell us—” Oliver starts to say but falls silent at a cutting look from Seth.

“She’ll tell us everything in time,” Seth says in a stern voice. “What she needs from you right now is to reassure her. Help me to calm her down. Help me to heal her. We’ll avenge our Rory when she’s grown strong again.”

Our Rory. Seth’s words echo in my mind, driving away the cold, hateful whisperings in my mind.

Simon sits down on Seth’s other side. “All right, then,” he says, cracking a familiar grin. “We’re going to be your knights, Rory. Our swords are yours.”

“Quite literally,” Oliver says, winking at me.

“Will you two shut the fuck up!” Seth shouts, looking annoyed. “Don’t be such dirtbags.”

“Hey, she likes it,” Simon protests, pointing at me. “Look, she’s laughing.”

Chuckling hard, I look up at Seth.

A relieved look descends into his eyes. “Are you feeling better?”

I nod and tighten my arms around him, greedily soaking up his warmth.

Simon and Oliver’s acceptance makes my heart throb with happiness. I haven’t felt the urge to smile like this in ages. It’s become such a foreign reaction that I curse my own fate for falling into Jake’s trap.



Seth, Oliver, and Simon’s arms are wrapped around me, making me feel incredibly warm and safe. My body and mind relax, almost sending me into a blissful doze.

The sound of the opening door breaks through the haze of pure warmth, alerting me to a new presence. I stir, feeling the others shift with my movement.