Page 9 of Knot Broken

“Be quiet or they’ll come in here,” one of the women whispers urgently.

Fixing my attention on her, I walk up to her. She’s so horribly emaciated, her dress hangs loosely from her thin shoulders.

She stares up at me, her blue eyes looking too large for her pale, thin face. The short length of her blond hair is matted with dirt, making her look even more shabby and pitiful.

Looking closely, I realize she’s much younger than me.

“How old are you?” I ask.

“I was fourteen years old when they brought me here,” she says so softly that I have to focus on her to make out her words. “I have no idea how many days have passed since then.”

I look around, taking in the sight of similar cells that line the long, dimly lit corridor.

Crouching down before her, I scoot closer.

“What’s your name?” I ask.


“Hi, I’m Aurora, but you can call me Rory.” When she doesn’t respond, I continue my questions. “Who brought you here?”

“I don’t know,” she says. “The last thing I remember was sneaking out with my boyfriend to a club. Someone probably spiked my drink and hauled my ass here.”

Her story reminds me of the moment when Jake injected me with the drug. My fingers feel for the spot on my neck. The area is still sore, telling me it hasn’t been too long since I’ve been brought to this hellhole.

You’re going to disappear, Rory, Jake’s voice whispers in my mind.

Panic flares inside me, choking my throat.

“What about your family and friends?” I ask. “Do they know what happened to you?”

Millie shrugs a shoulder. “I was in foster care,” she replies. “I used to run away a lot, wanting to live my own life.” A hollow chuckle escapes her. “Who knew the grownups were right, after all? It’s really not safe for an omega to be out in the world with no protection.”

“You’re an omega?”

“All the captives you’ll see here are omegas.”

“What kind of place is this? Why have they locked us up here?”

“You’ll know everything soon enough.” A wry smile lifts the corners of her lips. “They don’t allow a newcomer much time to get adjusted to life here.”

My panic builds. While Millie and her companion look harmless, I don’t want to meet the people who reduced them to their pitiful states. “How do I get out of here?” I ask, gasping for breath.

“There’s no way out.”

“Come on, Millie,” I urge, my voice cracking. “There’s got to be a way out of this place. If you tell me how I can get out of here, I promise I’ll bring people down here to help you and your friend.”

She shakes her head and leans against the wall. “The only way out of here is death.”

Her ominous reply freezes my blood. What exactly did Jake do to me? When he kept saying he was going to make me disappear, I thought he planned to kill me and bury me somewhere to hide what he and those men did to me.

I had no idea he was going to send me to a place like this.

“What about her?” I ask, gesturing toward the older woman beside Millie.

She shrugs. “I don’t know. She never speaks.”

I stare at the gaunt woman. Her dress is dirtier than ours and has several holes in the thin fabric. I can only imagine the horrors she’s seen and experienced within these closed walls.