Page 88 of Knot Broken

“When is Aldrich coming home today?” Charlie asks, looking over at Valerie.

“I doubt whether he’ll return home today,” she says, suddenly looking tired and worn out. “Aldrich and his brothers will be staying over at Solveig estate for the next couple of days. They’re still trying to find Callahan and chase the remnants of the Black Widow mercenaries.”

Utter rage chases away the sweet smile on Charlie’s face. “Damn those bloody fucking traitors!” he shouts, banging the table hard, making the plates and cutlery rattle loudly.

I almost jump out of my chair at his sudden outburst.

“Pa, calm down,” Valerie says hurriedly. “You can’t let yourself get too agitated. It’ll spike your blood pressure and you’ll end up falling ill.”

“To hell with my blood pressure!” Charlie shouts, his green eyes spitting fire. “My sons should’ve told me they were going to raid the Black Widow. How dare they keep me in the dark? They even took the kids with them. What if something happened to them? I should’ve been there to watch over them!”

“Grandpa’s going crazy again,” Oliver mutters, hurrying out of his chair. “Come on, Charlie ol’ man,” he coaxes. “Let’s get you to your room before you burst a vein and cause a fuss.”

Simon’s right beside him, helping his brother haul their grandfather from his chair.

“I should’ve been there to shoot the fuckers in the face,” Charlie rages on as the twins struggle to calm him down.

A chill spreads through my chest. The mention of the Black Widow sends me into a dark corner of my mind. Visions of the claustrophobic underground tunnels swim in my vision, making it hard for me to breathe.

I beat my chest, struggling to relieve the ache there.

My vision blurs as my breathing grows more erratic.

Don’t think about that place, I tell myself but it’s impossible to stop the visions of the barred cages and the cold, hard expressions of the female guards who towered over us. Gaunt, haunted faces of the captive omegas rise in my mind and I suddenly feel like I’m back in that hellhole.

“Hey, what’s happening to the kid?” Charlie’s voice speaks from somewhere far away.

I squeeze my eyes shut, willing my mind to come back to the present.

My body steadily grows colder and clammier. Sweat gathers on my forehead as I start shivering uncontrollably.

“Rory!” Seth’s alarmed voice cuts through the thick fog that veils my senses. “Rory, open your eyes. Look, I’m right here with you.”

Opening my eyes, I realize I’m slumped on the cold, hard floor. Seth’s right beside me and holding me up.

“Breathe, Rory,” Seth says. “It’s all right. You’re safe. No one’s going to hurt you here.”

The blurriness recedes, allowing me to see his face clearly.

Concern swirls in his green eyes as he gazes down at me. “Are you okay?” he whispers.

I shake my head, shivering uncontrollably.

Pulling me closer, he hauls me into his arms. “Let’s go to my room,” he says. “You’ll feel safer when we’re there.”

My gaze falls on Valerie, Charlie, and the twins. They’re all staring at me with a mix of concern and surprise.

“Rory, look at me,” Seth says, drawing my attention back on him. “I’ve always kept you safe, haven’t I?”

I give a slow nod.

“You trust me, don’t you?”

Another nod.

Warmth floods his beautiful green eyes as a light smile blossoms on his lips. “Then, just hold on, okay? I’ll take you somewhere safe and it’ll just be the two of us there.”

My fingers grip his shirt as he carries me out of the dining room. His familiar scent washes over me, chasing away the sudden fear that left me choking and gasping.