Page 75 of Knot Broken

They both look surprised at my question.

“How do you know our brother?” Oliver asks.

Their eyes light up with curiosity as they both stare at me. It’s clear that Seth hasn’t mentioned anything about me to them. A sliver of relief spreads through me as I realize he’s kept his promise to guard my secret.

“I can’t talk about that,” I say, looking down at my hands. “I’m sorry.”

Simon and Oliver are quiet for a moment.

“Hey, look at us,” Simon says, laying a gentle hand on my shoulder.

I slowly peek up at the twin brothers.

“It’s all right if you’re not ready to trust us yet,” says Simon. “We just want you to know that we’ll never hurt you.”

“I know,” I say with a nod. “You’re Seth’s brothers, after all.”

He exchanges a glance with Oliver.

“I should head back home now,” I say, attracting their gazes back on me.

“Hey, wait,” says Oliver. “Don’t you want to see Seth?”

Desire blossoms in my heart. “Can you take me to him?” I ask without stopping to think.

“Of course!” says Simon. “We don’t know what happened between you guys but ever since he returned home, he’s been depressed. He didn’t even tell us off for stealing his new leather boots.”

“That might be because he hasn’t noticed them missing yet,” Oliver says thoughtfully.

“Our dads punished him but he didn’t utter a single protest,” Simon says, looking suddenly grim. “He won’t even talk about the reason he abandoned his post after the raid on the Black Widow.”

Oliver nods, looking serious. “He’ll be forced to stay at a desk job for months.”

“Either way, he’s a miserable son-of-a-gun right now,” says Simon, cracking a grin. “He might cheer up when he sees you.”

Anxiety swirls inside my chest. I hadn’t even considered what Seth was sacrificing by helping me. Abandoning posts and going missing from duty are heavily punished by military packs.

“Are you sure he wants to see me?” I ask as guilt weighs heavily in my gut. “I’m the reason he’s being punished right now.”

Something passes between the two brothers. They don’t utter a word but seem to understand what the other is thinking.

Oliver looks at me. “How about we get out of here before Gary and his family wake up?” he says. “Let’s go to a diner for some breakfast and then, we’ll take you to him. Trust us, Aurora. Seth’s going to be happy to see you.”

“ can call me Rory,” I say, feeling warmth rising in my cheeks. “And, if you guys are sure about this, I’ll go with you to see Seth.”

“Rory, you’re just too cute,” says Simon, grinning so brightly that I can’t help smiling back at him. “You don’t need to be so polite with us. Seth might look like he’s got a stick up his butt, but we’re not like him. We’re the cool brothers.”

Oliver slings an arm around Simon’s shoulder and grins at me.

A chuckle escapes me. The twins truly are different from Seth. They’re a pair of extroverts and don’t hold back from saying what they’re thinking.

Even though their personalities are different from Seth, I can’t help liking them. Their bright grins and mischief-filled eyes make me warm and happy.

Climbing off the bed, they don their jackets and look expectantly at me.

“You want me to go to a diner dressed like this?” I ask, gesturing at my lavish crimson gown.

“A classy dress can make a statement anywhere!” Oliver shouts.