Page 72 of Knot Broken

The sound of the bathroom door opening has both of us looking toward it.

Simon comes toward us with a glass of water. “Here, have this pill,” he says, bending down before Aurora. “It’ll make you feel better.”

Sitting up slowly, she looks between me and him. “Are you guys twins?” she asks.

Aurora’s breathing is more relaxed now. It’s astonishing how an ugly photograph of Seth is enough to calm her.

“Yep! We’re twins,” I say, attracting her attention on me. “I’m Oliver and that’s Simon. Seth’s the eldest.”

“Do you guys work for the Burton Pack too?” she asks.

I glance at Simon. The surprise in his eyes matches mine. Aurora thinks Sethworksfor the Burton Pack.

“Yeah,” Simon says, coming to sit on the edge of the bed. Holding out his palm, he presents her with a small white pill. “This will help you relax.”

Doubt clouds her eyes. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

“Why else would we carry that butthead’s photo in our phones?” Simon mutters.

“You’re really brothers, then?”

“Unfortunately,” Simon says, heaving a loud sigh. Taking his phone out, he hands it to her. “Have a look at mine too. You’ll see all the photos of him and our pack in there.”

To my astonishment, she snatches the phone from his hand. All trace of fear is gone from her pretty face. An eager expression blossoms on her face as she scrolls through the photos, looking for Seth’s face.

“I guess you’re really brothers,” she mutters, finally looking up.

To both our surprise, she takes the pill and glass of water from Simon’s hands. Glancing at us both, she slips the tablet into her mouth and chases it down with the water.

“Can you take me to him tomorrow?” she asks.

“Of course,” I readily agree. “I’m sure Seth-bear will be happy to see you.”

A soft chuckle escapes her. “Heisa sweet bear, isn’t he?”

The sound makes both me and my brother perk up at once. Relief washes over me as she smiles.

She yawns and lies down on a pillow. “I need to close my eyes for a moment,” she says. “After that, I’ll go back downstairs and be with my dad.”

“Sure,” says Simon, pulling the blanket over her. “Have a little rest.”

Her body sags against the mattress as her eyes close. Within seconds, she’s snoozing gently.

Shifting closer, Simon caresses her cheek. “She’s breathing normally now,” he says as relief spreads across his face.

“What did you give her that put her out so quickly?”

“A sleeping pill I snagged from Gary’s medicine cabinet.”

“What?! Are you crazy?”

“She’s no longer hyperventilating,” he says, gesturing at Aurora. “Look how peaceful she looks right now. She needed something to calm her down.”

“What did Kelso do to her?” I say in a lowered voice. “Aurora used to be a confident, strong woman. How could she let an old fart like Kelso bully her like that?”

“She looks the same but something’s changed in her,” I say.

Simon nods grimly. “She’s lost a lot of weight from the last time I saw her,” he says, gently touching her hand. “Look how thin her wrist is. I’m afraid I’ll shatter her bones just by touching her.”