Page 64 of Knot Broken

“They live in downtown Jersey,” he answers but his gaze is stuck to his phone. “It’ll be a while before we reach there.”

Leaning against the seat, I try to relax.

Dad stays busy on his phone, so I take mine out and play some music on it. It helps to pass the time as the streets pass by in a blur.

I look up when the car starts to slow down. Staring ahead, I catch a glimpse of a lavish villa in the distance. The road is already packed with cars, all heading toward the brightly lit manor.

Dad puts his phone away and straightens. “Make sure to choose a painting from the exhibit,” he hurriedly instructs me. “Bid high enough to win.”

“Do I have to win one?” I ask.

“It’ll be great if you could bag one. The more you bid, the more support you show for our new green initiative. Just do your best, sweetheart,” he says, patting my knee.

When the car finally comes to a stop, Dad climbs out first to help me with my dress.

Straightening up, I look toward the tall doorway further ahead. Men and women in luxurious attires are all moving that way. Valets in pinstriped suits are smiling and greeting the guests.

A strange anxiety takes hold of me, rooting me to the spot. Only a week ago I was locked in a dark underground cage.

My eyes aren’t used to such bright lights.

My ears aren’t accustomed to the happy chatter rising all around me.

A strange ringing goes off in my head, drowning my senses.

“Rory! Rory!” Dad’s voice seems to come from somewhere far away.

Someone shakes my arm and suddenly, I find myself staring at my dad’s wide-eyed face.

“Rory!” he whispers urgently, shaking me. “Are you okay?”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I struggle to gather my focus. “Sorry, Dad. I’m suddenly having a bad headache.”

“Let me take you inside,” he says, grasping my elbow firmly. “We’ll find someone to bring you some water and some pain meds. If you still don’t feel well, we’ll just go home.”

I shake my head. “This charity event is important to you. Don’t worry about me and just do your thing. I’ll be fine.”

“You don’t look fine to me, sweetheart.”

Even my heavy makeup isn’t fooling him. I swallow the bile that rises to my throat and strengthen my resolve. This crushing anxiety ismyburden to bear.

I don’t know where I find the strength from but I stride forward. “Come on, Dad. We’re going to be late for the exhibit.”

“Rory, wait up!” He has to jog to catch up with me as I step inside the luxurious entrance hall of the manor.

Blinding flashes go off all around me, dazzling me momentarily. Photographers call out to Dad, asking him to pose with me.

Their eager gazes and jeering voices bring back sparks of terrifying memories.

For a moment, I’m sucked into a corner of my mind where I’m naked and being touched by strange men while a crowd shouts and cheers. Shame and disgust rise within me, making my stomach churn sickeningly.

“Rory,” Dad’s voice brings me back to the present. “Are you okay? You don’t look well, kiddo. Maybe I shouldn’t have forced you into coming here, after all.” Guilt spreads on his aging face as he stares at me closely.

“I can do this,” I tell both him and myself. “I’ll be fine.”

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, I walk forward. The guests walking in behind us attract the attention of the photographers and reporters, and soon, they’re clicking away at a group of young K-pop idols.

One of the valets guides us inside the main hall. Dad instantly catches everyone’s attention and soon becomes busy returning people’s greetings.