Page 58 of Knot Broken

Dad, Heather, and even Kaida could tell Jake was a manipulative asshole who never cared for me. How could I’ve been so blind to him and let him destroy me?

“Let’s not talk about him, Dad,” I say, wishing he’d stop worrying. “We’re over. From now onward, I’ll focus on myself.”

A relieved smile blossoms on his lips. “That’s good to hear, honey.”

I glance back at Heather. “What are we having for dinner tonight?”

Surprise spreads on her beautiful aging face. “You want dinner?”

I give an enthusiastic nod. “Of course! I’m still exhausted but I’d sleep so much better after having some food in my stomach.”

“At least, she wants to eat,” Dad mumbles, exchanging a look with Heather. “I was afraid we were going to have to force-feed her to make her eat.”

Moving to the bedside table, I grab a slice of cake and bite into it. “Heather makes the best carrot cake in the world, doesn’t she?”

Heather’s eyes widen. Dad looks equally surprised but decides to stay silent as he stares at me munching on the cake.

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing,” he says quickly. “Just that you’re ruining your appetite, sweetie.”

“This little piece of cake is not enough to ruin my appetite,” I say, grinning up at him. Walking toward him, I grab his arm and pull him toward the doorway. “Come on. Let’s have dinner together.”

Even though I’m not really hungry, I know I’ll eat whatever Heather serves me. After being starved for weeks, my body will not refuse whatever delicious food it can grab.

Walking down the hallway, I finish the slice of cake. The sweet, spicy flavor works wonders on me, easing the sick churning feeling in my stomach.

Warmth bursts inside me the moment we step into the kitchen. Safety steals through me as Dad pulls out a chair and helps me into it.

“How long has it been since we’ve had a family dinner like this?” he says, glancing toward Heather.

Heather grins. “What does it matter? Rory’s here with us at this moment. It’s the only thing that counts.”

Dad nods and takes up the seat beside mine.

“Do I smell lasagna?” I ask.

“Yep,” Heather announces. “I thought I’d bake you one.”

“Yes!” I cheer as the familiar smell of spicy sauce and baked cheese hits my nose.

Coming over to the table, Heather serves us generous portions of the lasagna.

“Don’t forget there’s a salad too,” she says as I take an impatient bite of the hot lasagna.

“Salad?” I say through a mouthful and spot the large clear glass bowl that’s filled with lettuce and a myriad of shredded veggies. Standing up, I grab the dish and add a big portion of it to my plate.

“I was afraid you were suffering from an eating disorder,” Dad says as he watches me wolf down my food.

I grin through a mouthful. “Don’t worry about me, Dad. I was just trying to lose some weight.”

“Well, you overdid it,” he says, looking serious. “You look like you’ve been starving for days. I wish young people wouldn’t be so obsessed with losing weight. They just end up making themselves sick.”

“Stop fussing,” I say, continuing to eat. “I’m not sick.”

“You should join us tonight, Heather,” Dad says, smiling at our old housekeeper.

I nod and pull out the chair on my other side. “Come on, Heather. You’ve got to try your food. It’s delicious!”