Page 47 of Knot Broken

I want to hate Seth but he’s making it heart-achingly difficult.



My heat lasts for the next three days. Except for going out to buy food and water, Seth hasn’t left the cottage.

He has been by my side, constantly taking care of me.

His presence drove me to my limits, urging me to mate with the alpha who’s been persistently protecting me. He never denied me his body even though I’ve been a complete jerk to him since the moment we met.

His arms are covered in bite marks while my skin has remained free from the faintest scratch. Even at the height of my heat, he never lost control over himself. He’s been so gentle with me that he hasn’t even bruised me. Only the force of his relentless thrusts when he was fucking me told me how affected he was by my overwhelming perfume.

Seth isn’t just powerfully built. He’s got an amazing mental and emotional capacity to handle a situation as complicated as a rogue omega in heat.

Even though we’re living in a cabin on the outskirts of a wooded area, he’s made an effort to make a nest for me.

The bed upstairs is spread with cozy blankets and surrounded by a mound of cushions. On one of his trips to a nearby supermarket, he brought me loads of scented candles. Closing all the curtains in the room, he lit them up, creating an amazingly warm space for me.

He has also been cooking for me and making sure I eat generous portions of meat, bread, and salad at every meal. After five days of gorging on proper food, I’m finally beginning to feel my strength coming back.

Any other omega would fall head-over-heels for an alpha like him but I’ve remained stubbornly wary of him.

My impatience rises as I glance at the clock on the kitchen wall. It’s close to four in the afternoon now.

A sliver of anxiety snakes around my gut.

Seth has been away since early this morning and hasn’t come back yet. Usually, he returns home within an hour when he leaves. I don’t want to care about him but his prolonged absence makes me anxious.

Seth is the only reason I’ve been able to get through my heat so comfortably. He kept me fed and watched over me through the nights. His constant presence distracted me from every horrible thought that has been circling my mind since I escaped the Black Widow.

I also love the way he lets me use his body. It’s a secret I’d take with me to the grave but damn! He’s going to make an amazing mate to a lucky omega someday.

The thought sends a burn through my chest. I hate the idea of Seth being with another omega. He must only bemine.

“Stop it!” I chide, banging the table before me. “He meansnothingto you.” I’m busy convincing myself when the sound of an opening door attracts my attention.

Getting up from the chair, I run into the living room.

Relief floods my chest the moment my gaze falls on Seth.

“Hey,” he says, glancing at me. “Why are you panting like that? Is everything okay?”

“I ran,” I snap at once. The momentary relief I felt at seeing him is quickly dissipating, giving way to anger. “Where have you been the whole day? Do you know what time it is? Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?”

“You were worried about me?”

His hopeful expression tears through me but I can’t let him see that.

“Of course, not!” I scoff, forcing myself to act heartless. “I was worried aboutme. What if you went away to sell me or something? What if you went to get a bunch of your friends to have their turn with me? What if you decided to abandon me now that my heat is over? I won’t be begging you to have sex with me anymore, so it’s probably boring for you now.”

I keep hurling a bunch of utter nonsense and watch Seth’s expression dimming. The disappointment and angst in his eyes stab my heart but I don’t stop. No matter how amazing he is, I can never bring myself to act on the feelings rising within me.

I will never make the mistake of trusting an alpha again, I tell myself.

“Wait, what’s all those bags you’re carrying?” I ask, spotting the labels on the dozen shopping bags he’s holding. “Is that Gucci?” I murmur, moving closer to him. “You went into town?”

He lets out a heavy sigh and walks past me.