Page 38 of Knot Broken

My selfishness never allowed me to see past his faults, but I’m not that petty, spoiled girl anymore. It’s my turn to protect him now. No matter how hard it gets, I’ll bear all the pain and trauma on my own.

A sudden pain in my stomach breaks me out of my thoughts.

“Aah,” I moan, clasping my hand over my belly. An acute cramp makes me lean against the wall. Squeezing my eyes shut, I wait for the pain to pass but it only increases in intensity.

A nauseous sensation spreads through me, drenching me in cold sweat.

I gag, feeling like I’m going to hurl any second. Clamping my hand over my mouth, I dash toward the bedroom upstairs.

“Rory!” Seth shouts after me. “Wait up!”

Reaching the room upstairs, I push open the door and hurry inside the bathroom.

“Rory, are you okay?” Seth’s voice filters through the open door but I have no chance to answer him. My stomach heaves dangerously as I bend over the toilet bowl.

Grabbing the sides, I let it all come out.

My body jerks and shakes as I puke out everything I ate just now. It wasn’t just the fifteen burgers that I devoured earlier. I also ate all the chicken nuggets and fries along with a large tumbler of milkshake.

Seth was right, I think with a tinge of regret as my stomach finally calms down.

My body feels weak. I nearly slump onto the floor, almost wanting to fall asleep right here.

“Ugh, I stink,” I mutter, looking down at the shirt I’m wearing. It was already grimy with dirt and mud but now, it’s covered in puke too.

“Rory, are you in there?” Seth’s voice sounds right outside the bathroom.

“Don’t come in here!”

“Just tell me if you’re okay,” his anxious voice floats toward me.

“I’m fine,” I shout. “Just leave me alone for a minute, okay? I want to take a shower.”

“Okay, then. Call me if you need anything. I’ll be right outside this door.”

“’kay,” I mutter before forcing myself to my feet.

I move toward the curtained corner of the bathroom. Shifting the plastic sheet away, I find a bathtub with a showerhead over it.

Despite the simplicity, the arrangement feels luxurious compared to the communal cold showers I was forced to take during my captivity. Those female guards never even allowed us to have hot water, subjecting us to the cold jets that further aggravated the aches and sores in our bodies.

Taking Seth’s shirt off, I step into the bathtub and turn on the water.

A jet of warm water falls on me, making me moan out in pure ecstasy.

For a long time, I stand still under the cascading stream. My hair becomes wet, forming a long black curtain that clings to my face, neck, and shoulders.

A stuttered breath escapes me as the heat soaks into my skin, relaxing my sore muscles. For a long minute, I simply revel in the feel of the hot water cascading over my body.

It’s still hard to believe I’m not dreaming, that I’m truly taking a hot shower.

My gaze soon falls on the bottles of shampoo and body wash standing on a tray by the bathtub. A wild cheer escapes my lips as I grab one of them and squirt a large dollop onto my palm.

The scent of lime pervades my senses as I rub the creamy liquid all over my body. Lather gathers on my skin, heightening the sense of pure luxury.

Murky water streams down my body and along the floor of the bathtub before running down the drain hole. I stare at it as the layers of grime wash off me.

I’m still so dirty, the thought races through my mind as I squeeze out more body soap onto my palm. Thick lather gathers on my skin as I rub hard but the feeling of being dirty doesn’t leave me.