Page 30 of Knot Broken

A herby scent cuts through the thick sweetness of my peach.Rosemary...

“Have you ever gone through a heat without drugs?” he asks, drawing my attention back to him.

I shake my head, instinctively clutching his big shirt that’s warm and comforting.

His eyes mirror the panic in mine. We both know that only an alpha can get me through a natural heat cycle.

The crackle of an incoming radio signal shifts his attention to the walkie-talkie strapped at his waist.

“Captain Seth?” a male voice erupts between us.

“Yeah,” he answers. “Is everything all right, Quinn?”

“Everything’s fine on our end,” Quinn replies. “What about you though? Did you find the omega that escaped?”

Seth’s green eyes meet mine. “No,” he lies easily. “I’m going to keep looking for her. In the meantime, make sure you send the others to the secured facility. Contact me as soon as you’ve made the transfer.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Another loud crackle sounds before the line goes quiet.

A particularly bad cramp makes me cry out loud. Curling up on the pebble-dusted forest floor, I hold my stomach, wishing the pain would go away. My eyes squeeze shut as I struggle to endure the ache.

“Aurora...” Seth’s voice calls me.

“Leave me alone,” I groan, clutching my belly.

“You’re too weak to be able to handle this on your own.”

He’s right but I don’t want to admit it.

My core burns and throbs. Heat spreads through my body, lighting my skin on fire. Combined with the painful cramps, I feel like I’m going to die any second.

Seth gets closer. He reaches out, making me cringe away from him.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” he says, placing a gentle hand on my forehead.

A sudden moan escapes me. His hand feels so amazingly cool against my burning skin that I’m momentarily soothed.

“You’ve grown so hot,” he says, looking anxious. His gaze swings around the woods, finally spotting a brook in the distance.

Before I know what he’s doing, he has hauled me into his arms. He’s so powerfully built, I feel like a rag doll in his hold. Considering my present state, I probably look like one too.

“You can put me down and get me some water,” I say as he approaches the bank.

He glances down at me but doesn’t say a word.

A minute later, he’s walking right into the water!

“What the hell are you doing?” I shriek as his boots sink into the babbling waters.

“You need to cool down,” he says, wading deeper into the stream.

“Stop!” I scream, flailing against him weakly. “I can’t swim.”

“Don’t worry, Aurora. I’ll hold onto you. You’re safe with me.”

I shake my head as my breathing grows erratic. “Please, stop. I hate water. It makes me sick to my stomach. I can’t even bear ducking my head under water when I’m inside a bathtub.”