Page 28 of Knot Broken

“What will you do after I let you go?”

“I’ll walk and get out of these fucking woods,” she says, looking all around her. “I’m sure someone will give me a ride to Maplewood or Jersey City. No one needs to know where I’ve been. I can pretend that nothing ever happened to me. Sooner or later, I’ll come to think of the whole thing as a nightmare.”

“That’s a great plan but do you even know where you are?”

Doubt flashes through her eyes. “Are we no longer in Jersey?”

“We’re still in Jersey but the area surrounding these woods is deserted,” I explain. “The Black Widow were spread around this abandoned town that’s been cut off from all traffic. They’ve using these wild, overgrown woods to hide from the rest of the world. There’s absolutely no one around to help you.”

She stares at me like she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying.

Still, I don’t stop warning her. “The raid we conducted last night will soon bring in the media. How long would it be until someone recognizes you as Mayor Bailley’s’ daughter? Can you imagine the questions they’d ask both you and your dad? If your intention is put to this shit behind you, you must not let them catch you in this state. They’ll never let you forget what happened to you.”

Anxiety descends into her beautiful silvery eyes. She’s finally starting to understand what I’m trying to tell her.

Taking a deep breath, I continue. “Listen, Aurora. I’ll take you home and keep your secret safe. But first, you’re going to have to let me help you.”

“Fine,” she says. “Then, let me go.”

She seems calmer than before, so I decide it’s okay to loosen my hold on her.

But the moment my arms slip away, she ducks and grabs a rock. Before I know it, she’s smashed it against my forehead and is sprinting away.

My eyes squeeze against the momentary dizziness from the sharp attack. Blood dribbles down my forehead and into my eyes. “Aurora, wait!” I shout, forcing myself to run after her.

My dick throbs hard, giving me pause. Running after an omega in heat is making my wild instincts flare up once again.

She’s not prey, I remind myself.She’s hurt and scared. She needs someone to protect her right now.

It’s hard to suppress my instincts when her enchanting perfume continues to lure me toward her. My feet run faster in a bid to get closer to her.

“I have to protect her,” I tell myself. “You’ll never forgive yourself if you hurt her.”

The thought of hurting Aurora sends a cold chill down my spine. My instincts calm down immediately, helping me regain my senses.

Aurora is a lone omega in a vulnerable state. On top of it, she’s about to go into heat any second. Her perfume will soon become strong enough to affect beta males too.

Some of the Black Widow mercenaries who managed to escape us might still be lurking around in these woods. If they caught her scent, they wouldn’t think twice about hurting her.

A fierce need to protect her arises within me. I’d die before letting anyone hurt Aurora again. Wiping away the blood from my eyes, I call out to her.



My heart beats rapidly as my bare feet fly over the forest floor. Twigs and branches slap my face, leaving cuts on my cheeks and arms. My chest hurts from overexerting my exhausted body but I don’t stop running.

“Aurora, wait!” The alpha calls out from behind me.

He has been relentless in his pursuit. He says he wants to help me but I don’t trust him, not when I saw the dark look in his eyes when he grabbed me.

Alphas are all the same. They lull you into trusting them and then, they show you their true faces. I won’t let him get close to me just so he can use me for his cruel desires.

“Aurora, stop! You’ll hurt yourself!” His voice follows me as I run deeper into the woods.

I don’t stop, aiming for the closely-growing trees in the distance. They’ll be the perfect place to hide from him. I just need to reach them before he can catch me.

My gaze focuses on a particular oak tree with a thick trunk. Panting hard, I duck behind it, hoping I can stay hidden until he gives up chasing me.