Page 24 of Knot Broken

The Black Widow allowed the trafficking of these innocent women and children to make money for their nefarious schemes. They’ve been buying weaponry to kill and terrorize our citizens for decades now.

We’ve finally been able to expose their headquarters and destroy it but it’ll still be a while before we can figure out the people who’ve been helping them all these years. Corrupt government and military officials have been the backbone of this terrorist group. We must destroy them to end their tyranny on our citizens.

Still, this is a start. We’ll get more leads in our investigation after we’re done raiding those underground bunkers.

“Did you notice the young girls with big pregnant bellies?” Caleb’s voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

The sight of those thin female children with big, protruding bellies flash before my eyes. I’ve seen enough blood and gore to color my nightmares for a lifetime but nothing’s ever disturbed as much as witnessing the horrors those poor omegas have been suffering in those underground cages.

“There were little boys in those cages too,” Caleb says in a tight, strained voice. Closing his eyes, he lets out a heavy sigh. “I can only imagine what they’ve had to go through.”

“They’ve all been malnourished too,” I say, thinking of their weak, horribly emaciated bodies.

“They’ve all been treated in the most inhumane ways,” Caleb hisses, looking enraged.

“I have a feeling they were kept on drugs too,” I say as anger erupts deep inside me.

Caleb nods. “That explains the hollow-eyed look on almost every face. Those bastards starved them and drugged them to keep them in easy control.”

At once, the face of a particular woman erupts in my mind. Her raven locks made her stand out among the blond and silver-haired occupants of the cages.

The ghost of a scent makes my nostrils flare.

Ripe peaches with a hint of vanilla and cloves. The fragrance pervaded through the smell of rotting cakes and fruit, attracting my attention toward the dark-haired beauty who was watching us with full alertness.

The moment our eyes met, I felt a hard tug in my chest. Suddenly, it’d felt like we were the only two people in the vast underground chamber, connected by an unseen thread.

The moment lasted merely a few seconds but it was enough to make me recognize her.

Aurora Bailey, the daughter of Mayor Philip Bailey, was among the trafficked victims. It hits me as strange because there hasn’t been any mention of the mayor or his daughter in the news lately.

Wondering if I missed it, I take my phone out and start searching for her.

To my surprise, there’s absolutely no updates about her. No news of her being kidnapped or missing.

I search for updates on the mayor next and find a few articles about him inaugurating a renovated rec center in Maplewood. He’s smiling in every photo that the reporters captured. How could any man be so relaxed and cheerful when his daughter was missing?

I think of the time I last saw Aurora. It was about a year back when the Burton Pack had been requested to take over the security of a political event being hosted by her father.

Dressed in a gorgeous crimson gown with diamonds sparkling at her throat and ears, she’d attracted every male gaze on her. Even the female guests couldn’t keep their eyes off her.

Even a cold-hearted asshole like me couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Simon and Oliver, my twin brothers, even started fighting among themselves, trying to decide who was going to ask her out.

To both their dismay, Aurora spent the whole evening with a tall, lean alpha by her side. My brothers were quick enough to learn the guy’s name.

“That’s Jake Hudson,”I remember Simon saying.“He works for Senator Vaughn’s secretary. I can’t believe she’d go out with someone as unimpressive as him.”

“That shows how classy she is,”Oliver had replied.“She looks for something deeper in a man. It’s not all about money and power for her. I kind of respect that about an omega.”

I search for Jake Hudson next.

Another surprise awaits me.

Jake Hudson is no longer working for the senator’s secretary. He’s become a party member and is about to stand for an election soon.

How could both her father and boyfriend go about their lives as if nothing happened to her?

Could I be mistaken? Was the dark-haired woman I saw not Aurora Bailey?