Page 19 of Knot Broken

I stay back with my battalion’s command sergeant and watch the progress of our soldiers. Our enemy is formidable but our surprise assault has successfully achieved to cause chaos among them.

The Black Widow are unprepared for our attack. They’re panicking and it can be seen in the way they’re running and shooting in random directions. The choppers overhead fly low and rain bullets on them, taking down dozens of their numbers in a matter of seconds.

It won’t be long before we’ve subdued them all.

Reaching for my earpiece, I tap the knob that would allow me to get in touch with one of the commanding sergeants among our allies’ troops.

“Captain Burton,” a deep, grim tone answers me.

“What is the status of the western frontier?”

“Not good, Sir,” the man replies. “We’re losing ground because more of these fucking bastards are filtering out from a different entry point. There are too many for us to handle. We request for backup immediately.”

“Hold strong,” I command. “I’ll be there with backup right away.”

“Yes, Sir.”

I switch off the earpiece and signal to my troops. Since most of the insurgents have been killed or subdued in this part of the woods, we can go and help our comrades on the western perimeter.

The stench of blood mingles with the fumes of gunpowder. Many of the trees have caught on fire from the explosions. Fire and smoke rage all around us.

Blood, fire, and ash.

This is the price we pay when we march into any battle.

The blood soaking the soil belongs to both the enemy and our soldiers. It is always heartbreaking to think of the loyal men we’d be losing after everything is over.

“All to protect the innocent,” I remind myself as gunshots and explosions continue to erupt all around me. Even if I have to sacrifice my life, I’ll make sure this nefarious militant group is destroyed once and for all.



The apricot tree before me is blooming with pink and white blossoms. Their scent wafts into my nostrils, igniting nostalgic memories of a time when my life wasn’t an endless dark pit. I look up, catching glimpses of the bright blue sky through the gaps in the branches.

I take another deep breath, enjoying the wonderful spicy fragrance of the blossoms. A gentle spring breeze blows by, lifting the stray strands on my forehead.

My bare feet sink into the soft green grass as I make my way toward the beautiful mansion nearby. Anticipation flares inside me as I wonder who’s waiting for me on the other side of the door.

Will it be Mom with a new doll or will it be Heather, our cook, with a tray of warm, freshly-baked cookies?

I know someone’s waiting for me because this isn’t the first time I’ve had this dream. My mind replays the happiest days of my life each time I manage to doze off to sleep.

Standing before the door, I reach out for the knob but suddenly, stop.

A hard banging noise erupts from the other side.

This is new, I think as confusion fills my senses.Why does it sound like someone’s blasting grenades inside the house?

The ground under my feet shakes.

What’s going on?I wonder, unable to decide whether I’m still dreaming.

With a jolt, my eyes fly open.

I stare up at the rough ceiling of the cell, wondering what caused me to jerk awake like this. Dust and loose bits of cement fall on me, followed by the distant sound of bomb explosions.

“What’s going on?” I ask, looking toward Millie.