Page 17 of Knot Broken

“You can never go back to your old life,” he says after a while. “Jake sold you to the Black Widow and I’m going to buy you from them. Your life will belong to me. I’m the only one who’ll have a claim over you.”

Basically, I’ll continue living as a sex slave.

“Show some fucking gratitude to your alpha!” he shouts, spraying my face with spit. “Any other omega would kill to have what I’m offering you!”

I doubt so.

The omegas have been caged and forced to live like animals. They’ve been beaten and broken down so badly, the only thing they’ll welcome is the sweet release of death.

The mattress shifts as he moves away from me and presses the buzzer that’ll alert the female beta keepers.

Only a few minutes pass before a knock sounds at the door. He opens it, allowing the newcomer to enter the room.

“Get up!” a female voice commands. Next second, my dress is thrown in my face.

Soft groans escape me as I proceed to put on the thin shift.

“Be gentle with her,” the alpha says in a demanding tone. “I’ll be buying her soon. Don’t go denting and bruising my doll.”

“Yes, Master,” the female beta readily agrees.

She’s gentler with me as she leads me out of the room and down the corridor. When we’ve walked quite a bit of the distance, she removes my blindfold.

We’re standing in an open space outside the omegas’ prison area. This is the dining hall where we’re brought to eat once a day. Looking around, I see most of the tables are filled with thin, scrawny women.

“It’s dinner time. Go and eat,” my keeper instructs.

My gaze sweeps over the women, searching for Millie.

It takes me a few minutes to locate her because every woman looks the same here. They’re all blond, pale-faced, and emaciated.

I finally find my friend and move toward her.

“Hey,” I say, sitting down on the bench beside her.

She hums and stares glumly at the bowl of congealed stew before her.

A female beta sets down a similar bowl before me and places a paper cup of pills beside it.

“Do you want the blue pill?” I ask.

My question has the effect I was hoping for. The young woman perks up immediately and stares up at me with longing pooling in her deep blue eyes.

“You can have it,” I say, pushing the cup toward her.

“Thanks so much,” she says gratefully as she grabs the paper cup, nearly crushing it between her eager fingers.

The blue pills are a kind of drug that numbs our minds. We’re all given this little piece of reprieve that makes us mellow and listless. Deep down, I know this isn’t kindness on our captors’ part.

They just want to keep us quiet and restrained while our bodies and mind bear the ravages of the men who come to abuse us. Numbed omegas who don’t complain about anything are far easier to manage than those who’d be writhing and sobbing from pain.

I don’t understand why I haven’t succumbed to taking the drug yet. It’d make me forget about Jake and his betrayal. My mind would be so numbed, I wouldn’t even be aware of the sick things that people do to me here.

But it’d also make me forget about Dad and Kaida, I tell myself as I watch Millie eagerly chew the dry, blue pill that stains her tongue.

No matter how painful it is, I still don’t want to let go of my memories because if I forget them, I’ll forget myself.

A low siren sounds overhead, alerting us that our break is over and it’s time to head back to our cages. I hurry to gobble what I can of the congealed, cold stew that was given to me, followed by a handful of painkiller pills and a birth control tablet.