Page 136 of Knot Broken

Oliver and Simon hang back, watching me serve them. Identical warm expressions spread on their faces as they patiently wait for their plates.

Soon, we’re all devouring the food before us.

“This is delicious,” I say through a mouthful of potatoes and meat.

“Eat up!” Simon says. “Help yourself to whatever you like. We’ve also picked up some pies on our way home from Jersey City, so there’s that to look forward to as well.”

My grin widens when I realize that there’s dessert too!

“What about Seth, though?” I ask when I can no longer eat another bite. “When will he come back home?”

“He won’t come home over the next couple of days,” Oliver says in a grim tone. “Since he’s handling the admin duties related to the Black Widow case, he’ll spend the rest of the week with the Solveig Pack. They’re among the few who allied with us when we attacked them. Seth will be coordinating with their officers during some investigations.”

“We’re sorry we can’t give you more concrete details,” Simon says. “Every activity related to the investigations is classified.”

“That’s okay,” I mutter as disappointment washes over me. “I’m just going to miss him very much. I hope he’ll look after himself while he’s away from home.”

“Hey, cheer up,” Oliver says, playfully tapping the tip of my nose. “He’ll be fine. Our cousin will take care of him while he’s there.”

“Cousin?” I ask curiously.

“Iris, our cousin, is mates to the three Solveig brothers,” Simon replies. “Seth’s practically among family, so don’t worry about him too much.”

I nod but still can’t shirk away my worries. I’ll miss Seth every moment that he’s away from me.

“Gods, you’re too cute, Rory,” Simon says, pulling me against him.

Oliver shifts closer and drops a kiss on my head. “Don’t worry. We’ll make sure you don’t miss him too much.”

Utter bliss flows through me as they hold me between them. Peace and safety steal through me, allowing me to doze off within seconds.



Anticipation courses through me as the car comes closer to the end of the lane. Pressing the brake, I bring the car to a stop before the fenced gate.

My gaze fixes on the whitewashed two-storied cottage, hoping I’d catch a glimpse of Rory. A deep breath escapes me as I try to calm my drumming heart.

After spending the week away from home, I can’t wait to see Rory again.

The front yard of the fenced cottage is deserted. I let my gaze rove over every shadowy corner, making sure a hidden enemy isn’t lurking around the house where my mate is staying.

A strange fear mixes with my excitement as I climb out of the car and move toward the house. Rory spent ample time with my brothers this week. I can’t help but wonder whether she missed me at all.

Oliver and Simon have always been more popular among our friends and peers. Their easygoing attitudes attract people to them easily. They can laugh over the silliest reason, allowing everyone to feel comfortable around them.

I’ve always been different than them.

Being the eldest, I shouldered the burden to protect them. While they romped about, causing chaos and mess, I always held back to make sure they didn’t get into trouble.

My brothers always tease me for being a bore.

Maybe Iama bore, but I’d do anything to change that to make sure Rory likes me back. I’d give my life to protect her but deep inside, I know it’s not enough reason for her to like me.

Hitting the password on the panel over the door, I open it.

The sound of an unfamiliar man’s voice gives me pause.