Page 13 of Knot Broken

“What about her?”

“She doesn’t want this,” I say in a desperate tone. “Can’t you see? She’s not enjoying what they’re doing to her. She’s in pain.”

The female beta scoffs and turns her attention back to the stage.

“Let me out of here,” I say, unable to watch what’s happening before my eyes.

“Sit down!” the beta hisses.

“No!” I shout, running across the room to get to the door.

“I said, sit down!” my captor roars, grabbing a fistful of my dress and pulling me back.

“Let go of me!” I shout, struggling against her. “I don’t want to be part of this sick torture. You can watch that innocent, helpless girl get violated but I can’t! Let me out of here right now.”

The beta’s fist collides with my stomach, knocking the air out of my lungs.

Clutching my aching belly, I sink to my knees.

“How dare you act up, bitch?!” my captor seethes as she stands over me. Gripping my hair, she pulls me back to my feet and shoves my face against the glass wall.

“You need to watch what’s happening because it’s going to be you down there tomorrow,” she says. “Watch carefully. You must please the alphas who come for you. If you fail, you’ll be heavily punished. Do you understand, omega?”

“No!” I scream. “I won’t let anyone touch me!”

The beta’s boot collides with my stomach.

A gasp escapes me as I curl up on the ground. Tears stream down my face as she continues kicking me.

“This is nothing compared to what they’ll do to you, omega,” she shouts, punching me with her fists. “If you don’t comply with their orders, they’ll tie you up and fuck you while you scream and cry. The bastards who come to watch will enjoy it even more.”

“How can you condone such acts?” I ask in a trembling voice. “You’re a woman too.”

“I’m a beta and I know my place,” she says, thrusting her chest out and looking proud. “I aim to carry out my alpha’s command. That’s all that matters to me.”

“Are you living in the fucking sixteenth century?” I shout, not caring what she does to me next.

“We’re working hard to reverse the unnatural course that this society has taken,” she says in a grim tone. “It won’t be long before everything goes back to as it was during our golden age.”

“You’re crazy,” I spit. “The betas who’ve enjoyed their freedom will never go back to being slaves.”

An evil grin comes onto her pale lips. “We’ll force our will on everyone until they bend. Those who oppose us will die.” Walking around me, she opens the door and walks out.

“Wait!” I shout, struggling to get to my feet.

The door closes with a bang. My captor has already left me behind.

Gasping for breath, I run toward the door.

Grabbing the knob, I use my entire strength to wrench open the door but it stays shut. “Open up!” I scream. “Don’t leave me here. Open up!”

There’s no answer.

She has locked me in the room to witness what happens to omegas among these traitorous men. Their loud groans and grunts reach me through the walls, making me clap my hands over my ears.

Deep sobs escape me as I try not to think of myself being in the same place as that poor, helpless woman on the stage. This can’t happen to me. It can’t!