Page 12 of Knot Broken

My captor drags me up the stairs and into a small room at the very top.

“Have a seat,” the woman says, pushing me into a steel-frame chair.

A glass wall stands before me, giving me a view of a vast hall below me. A stage is lit at the very front but it’s empty for the moment. Men in black uniforms fill up the chairs placed below the platform.

My higher vantage point gives me a better view of the stage.

“Why did you bring me here?” I ask, staring up at the stone-faced stranger beside me.


She backhands me hard and grabs a handful of my hair. Dragging my face close to hers, she glares at me. “Didn’t I tell you to be quiet?”

I’m stunned into silence.

No one’s ever treated me this way. Growing up without a mom, I had my dad and everyone else around me pamper me all my life. Everything I needed and desired was handed to me on silver platters.

Tears spill from my eyes as I realize the life I threw away for Jake’s sake. My family, my friends...I’m the one who alienated them. There’s no one to blame for my present crisis but me.

“Sit straight,” my captor shouts, pushing me into the chair.

A sea of black gathers in the hall before me. Wiping my tears, I pay attention to the lit stage in the distance.

Three tall, well-built men step onto the stage. Their gold-trimmed navy uniforms are enough for me to guess they’re from one of the military packs.

Confusion flares inside me.

How could people from the military be here? They’re in constant battle with radical groups like the Black Widow. However, the sigils and decorations that I spot on their uniforms leave no doubt in my mind that they’re from a military pack.

Corruption, a voice whispers in my mind.

I never paid attention to politics in the past but I’m beginning to understand something. The three men are standing confidently in a room full of Black Widow mercenaries. They must be holding powerful positions in the military and using their influence to support the terrorists.

Another man steps onto the stage but he’s not alone. A small woman accompanies him. She’s dressed in a fancy crimson mermaid gown. Her blond hair is coifed into an elegant bun and her luscious lips are painted a rich red to match her dress.

Despite the clothing and makeup, I can see she’s thin and bony. There’s heavy makeup on her face but they fail to hide the hollowness of her cheeks. Her kohl-rimmed eyes have a lost, vacant look in them.

“Who is sh—” I clamp my lips shut before finishing the sentence. My captor sends me a threatening look, so I hold my silence.

The men in the audience cheer, shout and whistle loudly. Their excitement confuses me until I see one of the alphas on stage starting to lower the woman’s strap.

A second guy moves behind her and unzips her dress.

The shouting and howling increase in volume as the men on stage lower her dress until it pools around her ankles. She’s completely naked and bared to the men before her.

Despite the noise and excitement from the crowd, the young woman remains stoic. There’s no flicker of emotion in her eyes as the four men lower their mouths on her bare skin.

I glance toward the female beta. She’s watching the excitement of the crowd with an irritated expression. “Look at that whore,” she mutters. “The bitch thinks she’s a queen just because she was born an omega.”

The men on the stage have started fucking her. One of them takes her from behind while another has his cock shoved deep in her mouth. The young woman looks like she’s in pain but she doesn’t complain or protest in any way, taking their merciless thrusts without uttering a word.

The black-clad men in the audience have lowered their pants and are fisting their cocks while they hungrily watch the orgy happening on stage.

“This is wrong,” I say, getting to my feet and moving toward the glass wall. “Make it stop.”

“You think those men will stop?” the female beta asks me with a scathing glare. “Those alphas paid good money to fuck the whore while the rest are being awarded for their hard work by being allowed to watch.”

“What about that young woman?”