“That sums it up nicely, thank you.”
She grinds her teeth, then spits out, “I’m going to need a better explanation than that, Clark.”
I roll my eyes. “I don’t want you anymore. This has been a fun little interlude, but it’s over.”
“Yes, Toni. It’s over. You’re no longer useful to me, and I have other responsibilities that require my attention.”
I can see the anger in her eyes, but also the pain, and it twists my guts painfully. I manage to hold her gaze without flinching, and eventually, she looks away, then down on the ground. So, I figure this is a good time to turn the asshole switch up and deal a solid death blow, painful and choking as it may be.
I rest my hands on the desk and lean forward, smirking at her as I say, “And a bit of advice for the road. Make sure you act a bit more responsibly than you have previously. I won’t be there to save your ass next time you get yourself roofied.”
She gasps, flinching as my words settle around her, but she doesn’t say anything. She just continues to stare at the floor.
Then she takes a deep breath in and raises her eyes to mine, and all I see is the rage burning in those blue depths.
And here we go.
I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but all I’m getting from this situation is fucked-up vibes.
Matt got a call and then said we had to report to this warehouse out in the middle of bloody nowhere, and I have to say, I’m entirely fucking sick of warehouses and people getting calls and having to run to do their bidding.
And after all the fuckery that has gone on over the last few weeks, now I’m standing in this shithole listening to Darius fucking Hughes run his mouth like he’s the goddamn kingpin.
Like fuck.
I don’t say too much as he gives me his official asshole speech, but I can see Matt and Tony are tense beside me, their hands fisting at their sides and their jaws clenched. But, otherwise, I don’t see any great surprise on their faces, so I can’t help but feel a bit suspicious.
I glance over at Tony, lifting my chin at him as I ask, “You know anything about this?”
He raises a brow at me and shrugs. “Not likely.”
I nod, then turn my attention to Matt, who’s already shaking his head at me. “You know we’re with you, Toni.”
I turn my focus back on Dare and see he’s still leaning back on the desk like an arrogant fucking jackass. I take a hard look into his eyes, normally full of fire, only to find them dull and cold, and I deflate a bit. “So that’s it, then? We’re done? You won’t be going out of your way to protect me anymore? Is that what you’re saying?”
He nods and spits out, “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Why am I having to fucking repeat myself?”
“I just want to make sure I’m hearing all of your douchery clearly, you insufferable fucking prick.”
He gives me an ugly look, his face twisting as venom pours from his lips, “Get the fuck out of here, and stay away from me or you’ll be sorry.”
“Believe me, Dare. I’m already sorry,” I growl, then I spin around and take a step away from him, but my feet feel like lead, and I’m incapable of a hasty escape. I barely manage to keep the sob in my throat, and I’m sure my shoulders are drooped, so I attempt to square them and take a deep breath.
Then I hear it, words whispered so quietly I almost miss them.
“I love you.”
I stop in my tracks, slowly turning around and tilting my head at him, my eyes narrowing as fury builds in my guts and chest. I scan the room, my gaze scanning over the strangers scattered around Dare in a broken horseshoe pattern. At first glance, I assumed they were with Dare, but now, something doesn’t feel right. They all look cagey, obviously armed and on guard, like they’re waiting for something big to happen.
That motherfucker.
“No!“ I bellow as I attempt to charge him, but strong arms hold me back. I kick, punch, and fight against them as I shout, “Fuck you, Darius! Fuck you and your lies and fuck all your bullshit declarations and promises! You don’t get to give those words to me, and I’ll be damned if I give you anything while you’re making me leave. Fuck you!”
He gives me a pained look, his lips pressing together as he grinds his teeth in frustration. He gives Tony a pointed glare, then spits out, “Get her the fuck out of here.”