Page 17 of Ends of Being

“Fucklicker, really?”

“I call it like I see it,” he taunts. “I already got him primed for you since I figured you were on a tight schedule given it is Saturday night and you have a hellcat to…” he makes air quotes, “watch over.”

I shake my head at him. “My god, you are such a prick sometimes, you know that.”

He grins at me. “One more reason you love me.”

I glare at him, shooting back, “If I didn’t find you so useful, I would shoot you myself.”

He laughs again, putting one arm around my shoulder and pulling me in close to whisper, “No way, man. You would totally gut me like the lunatic you are. Gotta keep it personal when it’s personal, right?”

“Good point,” I agree. “Dull knives, for sure.”

A gruff voice interrupts us, “If you two are about done with your bromance, do you think we can get this show on the road?”

“Well, now, the pissant speaks,” I mutter, leveling my stare at him. “I’m interested in what else you want to say to us.”

The pissant is no longer crying and is now glaring at us in annoyance. He snorts, “I got nothing to say to you either.”

“Oh, is that a fact?” I chuckle, almost good-naturedly.

“Yeah, I didn’t have anything to say to your boyfriend over there, and I won’t have anything to say to you either.”

I look at Tony, who is smiling broadly at the pissant, his body almost vibrating with excitement because he knows precisely what’s to come for mister I-got-nothing-to-say. Tony glances at me and shrugs. “I tried to warn him that he was better off just telling me what I want to know, but he was keen on meeting you. Seemed like it was a big challenge to possibly withstand your special kind of tactics. He wouldn’t listen to me, not even when I explained how much you like dull knives in delicate places.”

“Well, I don’t go there first,” I scoff. “See, Tony. This is how rumors get started.”

“Rumors only get started if there is anyone left alive to start said rumor,” he explains. “Hence why the only rumors there are about you are the rumors I have intentionally started.” He beams at me again. “You’re welcome.”

I shake my head once more, not even sure what to say to that.

So instead, I turn to our honored guest, my smile all teeth and crazy eyes. “I guess it’s time to get started, then.”


By the time I get to the police department, I’m even more annoyed. I remember exactly how these assholes treated me last time I was here, and if they think I’m going to listen to their shit this go-around, they have another thing coming.

I poke at the intercom box a few times, then wait. Then press it again and again, over and over, until finally, it buzzes at me, then the bored voice is back, “Can I help you?”

“Yes, I need to come in, please,” I say clearly.

There’s a pause, then the voice returns, “State your business, please.”

I roll my eyes, then shout, “How about I need to report a kidnapping!”

Static and then some rustling, a bit of muttering and what sounds a lot like squabbling. Then the uninterested voice is back, sounding a bit more frazzled than bored, “Someone will be right out to get you.”

I step back, feeling proud of myself, then walk toward the door to wait. The door opens faster this time, and I’m surprised to see someone I assume is a plain-clothed officer staring at me expectantly, “What are you doing here?”

I’m a bit taken aback by the question. “Excuse me?”

He motions for me to enter the building, then glances around once the door closes. “Darius isn’t here,” he explains. “So, what are you doing here? Is this a new part of your games?”

“Games?” I parrot, my confusion likely evident on my face as he stares at me. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

He studies my face for a few moments, then must believe what he sees because the next thing I know, he’s throwing a few air punches. “That motherfucker,” he spits out. He stops his air assault and looks at me, “He really did kidnap you, didn’t he?”

I nod, not sure what to say.