“I guess you really are Mr. Incredible,” she murmured, curling against my shoulder again.

“And there’s something else you should know,” I said.

“What’s that?”

I smiled, watching out the windshield as the lights of town shone over the hill.

“My pops is good enough to be all four grandparents. Wait until you meet him. He’s gonna love you.”

As much as I already did.

Chapter Eight


I let the hot water of the shower wash over me, soothing the raw edges my conversation with Baker had dredged up.

He’d insisted I come inside while he unloaded the car in the driveway, and I decided to escape to the sanctuary of my bathroom. I did all my best thinking in the shower, so maybe I could figure out how I’d fallen so fast and thoroughly for Baker.

Soul mate. The answer echoed through my mind, the voice sounding a little too much like my friends’.

But it was true. Me and Baker matched in every conceivable way.

Even if we didn’t, I’d be crazy enough to give him everything. Every little jagged piece of myself. Because he was pure gold inside and out.

He was everything I needed, wanted.

I only needed to be sure I was the same for him.

A knock sounded on the bathroom door and I froze, soap and suds sliding down my body to hit the shower floor.

“Y-Yeah?” I called, clearing my throat to make my voice solid.

I knew it was Baker, but he still shocked me to the core when he pushed the door open and watched me through the glass of the shower.

The only thing keeping him from seeing everything—every part of me I’d struggled to love, but found my way there anyhow—was the fog that filled the room. But he stepped inside, closing us in, and I knew the fog wouldn’t matter soon.

His eyes burned me up as his gaze took a slow trip down my body, and I tried not to squirm. Instead, I did what I always did when I looked in the mirror—once a day, naked. It was the Chub Club way—I pushed my shoulders back and my chest out.

He either liked what he saw… or not.

And if not, he could learn to love my flaws just as easily as I had.

But in the next breath, I had my answer.

The prominent bulge beneath the gray joggers he wore told me all I needed to know about his thoughts.

Reaching behind him, he gripped his t-shirt and yanked it over his head, while I tried hard not to drool. I’d never seen this much of him, only imagined. The reality was a million times better than anything my brain could have conjured.

Next came his joggers as he hooked his thumbs beneath the waistband and pushed them past the hard ridge of his erection. His dick sprang free, his hips jutting forward as if he couldn’t help himself.

My eyes were riveted on his hips and the thickness of him as he stepped free of his boxers. I was caught in a riptide, imagining what he’d feel like inside me.

I clenched my jaw to hold in a whimper as warmth speared between my legs.

Baker sauntered closer to the glass, his eyes dark on mine.

“Tell me no, or I’m coming in.”