I grinned, scooting closer across the bench seat.
“Let’s make it less,” I suggested.
“Challenge accepted.”
Chapter Seven
Kissing Andi turned my world upside down. Made me want things I didn’t even realize I was ready for. Like a ring on her finger that says she’s mine.
Or maybe it happened when I pulled up and saw her standing there, needing me. Or when I brought her against my chest and she fit like a damn key to a lock, twisting to break me wide open.
I don’t know. But one thing was for sure, I had found my person. The one woman made to be mine.
The only thing left to do was get it all out in the open.
“Tell me about your family,” I said, asking the hard question first.
I glanced sideways to catch her chewing her lip.
“You first,” she countered.
Okay, if that’s what she needed. I knew the things she had to say wouldn’t be easy, but I needed her to trust me.
“It’s just me and my dad. My mom left when I was a baby, so I’m the product of single-dad raising.”
She took my hand, her expression somber. “He did a good job.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, flashing her a smile. “Not too bad. I got lucky with my pops. He worked in a factory out past town, and we didn’t have much. But he raised me to love football. He wanted me to be good at it so I could get into college. He knew we couldn’t cut the tuition on his factory pay. So, I worked hard. Fell in love with the game… and as you know, it didn’t work out.”
“I like to think things always work out the way they should. Even if it’s not always the way we want.”
With her sitting beside me in this truck, I wholeheartedly agreed.
“I figure you’re right about that.”
She finally grinned, and I couldn’t resist the urge to pull her hand up for a kiss.
“So, I spent a lot of time recovering. Meanwhile, I took some business classes at the community college.” I laughed, remembering how determined I’d been to fix my shattered future. “Damn near put my pops in the grave the way he worried over those bills. But I worked part-time to help. Did what I could between surgeries. Promised him I wouldn’t waste the skills, and when it was all over, I started building my towing business.”
“That’s amazing, Baker.”
Oh, hell. I liked the way my name sounded from her mouth now that I’d kissed it.
I glanced at her, eyebrow raised. “Incredible, even.”
She rolled her eyes. “You know you’re special. Everyone thinks so.”
“Yeah, but I only care what you think.”
Her gaze softened and she looked away to stare out the windshield. “I think you should wait to hear my story before you settle in for the long haul.”
“Oh, too late. I’ve already settled.”
She pressed her lips together before leaning her head on my shoulder.
“Do you really think anything you tell me about your past is going to change the way I already feel about you?”