Unexplainable joy washed over me, painting my skin hot. Just knowing the attraction I’d denied for a while now wasn’t one-sided had me racing to catch my breath.

“So, what do we do now?” I asked, my voice shaking with adrenaline.

“First, I get you off of the road. Then… we get real honest with each other.”

I couldn’t think of a better plan.


The sight of Baker’s tow truck backing onto the muddy shoulder in front of my car was pure relief.

And just in time, because it was starting to rain again.

I got out of the car to meet him, and as he strolled toward me, I could feel him looking me over. There was only the moon above to light the way, but shit, I was sort of a mess. My hair was tangled and there was mud on my dress from where I’d tried to get myself back on the road.

But Baker didn’t seem to care because when he got close enough, he pulled me into his arms, pressing my head under his chin. And I didn’t mean to give in so easily, but… I collapsed against him, all the nervousness draining out of me with just his silent touch.


When we pulled apart minutes later, he brushed the hair off my face so he could meet my gaze.

“You okay?” he asked, his eyes burning into me until all I could do was nod.

Speaking certainly wasn’t an option when he was looking at me like that.

“What happened to your car?” He stepped back to assess the situation, and I gathered my voice to explain.

“Flat tire,” I said.

He frowned. “No spare?”

I shook my head, wincing because this probably seemed like a rookie-adult move, not having a spare, but there was an explanation.

“Yeahhh,” he murmured. “They don’t come standard in these babies.”

“Wish I’d known that ahead of time.”

I’d tried to change the flat tire in my dress and heels, only to learn there was no spare in the vehicle. According to the call in with my insurance, it was the new standard to sell hybrid cars sans a spare tire. In fact, the agent said I was lucky to even have a jack in the trunk. Something about the extra weight interfering with engine optimization. It was bullshit, because who cared about engine optimization if you got stranded off the highway.

He reached over to squeeze my arm.

“It’s okay. This is easy. I’ll just get it up on my truck and we’ll be outta here.”

“Okay.” I shivered, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the rain or his touch.

“Go climb in the truck where it’s warm,” he said. “This will only take me a few minutes.”

I did as he said, relieved to be out of the cold.

Baker’s truck was the kind that had a back seat, and bigger than it looked from the outside. And somehow, it smelled like him. Woodsy but sweet. There was a hoodie slung across the seat, and I pulled it over my head as the machinery on the back of the truck whirred and clicked.

Minutes later, he climbed up into the driver’s seat, water dripping off him in rivulets.

I couldn’t help grinning. Rain was becoming our thing.

He caught my gaze and went completely still.

“You’re wearing my shirt.”