Page 24 of Down Down Baby

Chapter Ten


I thought I had another week at least.

One more week of making memories with Gia. Of watching her sunbathe on the sand. Of listening to her goofy laugh as I told a stupid joke. Of watching her snooze in the afternoon sun.

One more week of sexy kisses and sultry messages that I hoarded away to remember her by when she was gone.

But it was clear from her rigid actions and sharp words that my time had run out.


I felt sick.

The past week with her had been the best of my life, and every night when I laid in bed reminiscing on the day, I vowed that when the time came, I would be a grateful motherfucker, and let her go with dignity.

But now she thought the worst of me.

How could she really believe that I would share those messages with anybody? Much less the entire world wide web.

I didn’t look at her until we were shut inside the control room together. It was a tight squeeze for two people, but I preferred it that way. There would be nothing between us like this.

When I finally found her eyes, I realized she was more rattled than she’d appeared out on the platform.

“Tell me what happened.”

“I don’t know,” she cried. “There are screenshots from within the app of the whole conversation between me and you. At least one story is out, but if your… what’s his name?”


“If he was able to find it, then I’m sure there are more. And the content is salacious, so of course, it will fly off the proverbial shelves at lightning speed. Your name will probably be trending by the end of day. How did this happen, Sloane?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. How could I?”

“Are you saying you aren’t responsible for the leak?” I’d swear I heard a thread of hope in her voice.

“I’m saying, I shouldn’t have to say it.” I dragged a hand through my hair in frustration. “Maybe… I don’t know… maybe we got hacked or something. That happens, right?”

She shook her head. “It happens less than you think. Mostly these things are leaked by someone the person trusted. Maybe…” Her expression twisted with anguish that threatened to tear my heart to shreds. I hated seeing her like this.

“Maybe what?”

“Maybe…” Her voice cracked with a sob. “Maybe I shouldn’t have trusted you.”

I stared at her in disbelief. She wasn’t the only one who’d trusted that night. And the nights afterward. I’d laid a lot of my own shit out there for her to see. And she wasn’t the only one whose privacy had been violated.

“You can’t believe that.”

She dashed the tears from her cheeks. “I don’t know what to believe.”

Bullshit. Our time was short, but she knew me better than that. This, her accusing me, was something else.

She was scared.

“Maybe you’re just doing this because it’ll make it easier to walk away.”

“Sloane, no—”