Page 20 of Down Down Baby

Yes. I’d pound into you while rubbing your clit so you’d tighten around me as you came. I’d watch your face change with the building pleasure and then when you pumped around me I’d kiss your cry away and empty myself in you. I’d breathe your breath until we were practically one being.

“I’m coming, Sloane. God, too fast. I’m coming.”

Don’t stop rubbing, Gia. And say my name when you come.

Oh, god. Oh, goddddd. “Sloane,” I cried out as loud as I could when my orgasm exploded from me.

Fuck, I just heard you. Did I forget to mention my bedroom window is open? I’m going to come from the sound of you crying my name.

My cheeks flushed hot but I couldn’t be ashamed of what I’d just done. It was the best orgasm I’d had probably ever.

“It felt so good, Sloane.”

Goddamn, baby. I made a mess, he wrote.

I giggled. Giggled, like a lovesick girl.

“Me too. These sheets might be ruined.”

God. I hope so.

A comfortable silence fell between us, but I knew he was still there. Just like I was. With his messages open and waiting.

You know what I would do now, if I was there beside you?

A giddy feeling fluttered through my chest. “What?”

I’d pull you right up against my chest, and wrap my arms around you so you wouldn’t disappear while I was sleeping… or ever.

My heart constricted at the mention of the inevitable. Someday soon, I was leaving the island.

But at least for tonight, I wasn’t going to let it turn this moment ugly.

“You know what I would do?”


“I’d kiss your chest and fall asleep in your arms… then I’d snore and you’d forget why you like me so much.”

I imagined he was laughing as he typed. You know, snoring isn’t a deal breaker. I’m a very sound sleeper.

That made me want to ask what exactly was a deal breaker for him. But that was probably a question for another night.

“Thank you for bringing me here.”

You’re welcome. Like, very very welcome.

“Goodnight, Sloane.”

Goodnight, sweet Gia.