Page 25 of Hot Cross Buns

She snorted a laugh, but her fingers still played nervously with the knot on her robe belt.

“If only you hadn’t made me ditch the good panties, we could’ve eased into this.”

“I don’t want to ease into it. I want to dive in all cannonball style, baby. I got plans for your body, and none of them include you staying in that robe. So strip.”

She stared at me like I’d lost my mind.

“Want me to go first? Look, I already lost my shirt. Say goodbye to the pants.” I ripped those fucking khakis off like they were tearaway warmups, which they were not. “Look babe, no underpants, but if socks are your thing I can keep them on.” I teased her, throwing my pants behind me so they slapped onto the bed, then slid off the side.

Whatever. Didn’t need ‘em.

“Oh my god, stop. You’re being ridiculous.”

“Don’t call a man ridiculous when he’s standing in front of you with his dick hanging out.” I waggled my eyebrows at her and narrowed my eyes. I didn’t care if she laughed at me. Laughing meant she was comfortable. Maybe comfortable enough to untie that robe.

“There is no damage to your self esteem, I’m sure.” Maisy smiled and bit her lip. “You’re perfect. Delicious even. But me? I’m not even on the same level as you.”

Her lack of confidence twisted my stomach. I vowed to change the way she thought of herself.

Tonight. Right now.

“Maisy, if you looked remotely like me, we wouldn’t be in this position. I’m not attracted to men with six-pack abs and the ass and legs of a God.” She laughed again. “What I want, is to get my gorgeous red headedginger snapnaked, so I can eat her like holiday dessert, and if you won’t let me go in through the front door, I’ll storm in from the bottom.”

Before she could register what I was doing, I crouched low and swooped up underneath her, hooking one arm under her knees and the other under her shoulder.

It would have been the perfect princess carry—if I had any intention of carrying her.

But I didn’t.

Maisy’s shriek rattled the ceiling as I threw her, ass over elbows, onto the bed, watching with perverse satisfaction as she bounced in the middle and splayed out on the comforter, her arms and legs thrown wide.

The belt on the robe held fast, but the fabric wasn’t so obedient. The top of the robe parted all the way down and her pale breasts spilled out unencumbered, making me wonder how on earth she had fit all that under there to begin with. The bottom of the garment split almost all the way up the middle and fell to the sides of her, revealing the smooth expanse of hips and soft, rounded tummy. Her skin was so pale I wanted to bite it, just enough to see the color a gentle nip of my teeth would make.

All humor faded from my mind as I stared at my beauty.

She looked like a goddamn painting, all spread out on the bed, one knee bent and her hair spilling red against the white pillow covers.

A work of art too precious for me to touch.

I hesitated, because maybe if I touched her wrong she’d disappear, and I couldn’t stand the thought of Maisy disappearing. Not from this bed, and not from my life.

“Malachi?” The uncertainty in her voice almost did me in.

I’d hesitated too long, but it wasn’t because I didn’t like what I saw. No, more so it was an assault on my senses, too dazzling to my eyes. Where did I even start?

Those amazing breasts I wanted to bury my face in?

Or that ass so fine I dreamed about leaving handprints on her cheeks, bright red against the white of her skin.

Top or bottom?

Bottom or top?

Goddamn it. Too much thinking. Someone had to take control.

“Ma’am, I’m going to tell you one more time. You don’t need a seatbelt to ride this ride.”

Maisy smiled, and as she finally,fucking—hallelujah—finally, reached for the knot on that damn prison robe and untied the belt, I pounced.