Page 20 of Hot Cross Buns

“Hel, who’s on the phone?”

She didn’t answer me. Instead, she whispered into the receiver, “I don’t want to tell her that.” She listened to whomever was on the other end, bit her lip and sighed. “He says you sure have a lot to say for someone who’s running away without a goodbye.”

My stomach sank like a rock.

Malachi. How much had he heard?

Hang up now!I mouthed frantically.

Helena just shook her head, listening to whatever was being said on the other end. Then she ended the call and set the phone carefully back on the credenza. Her blush deepened further than I even thought possible.

“What did he say, Hel?”

She took a deep breath through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. Clearly, whatever it was made her uncomfortable. Could have been anything. Everything made Helena uncomfortable.

“For goodness sake Hel, what did he say?” Gia could barely restrain her laughter as she and Kara took turns patting each other on the back and coughing.

Helena took another big gulp of air and powered forward, not stopping to breathe until she repeated everything as instructed.

“Malachi said, your attitude is just another thing he loves about you, so if you want to be mad at him, that’s okay. However, there’s no one that knows this island better than him, considering his family owns most of it, the resorts included. So go where you want. He’ll even give you a couple hours head start because once he clocks out at six, the chase is on.”

My mouth dropped open in shock. I would have called bullshit, except Helena didn’t tell lies and I could absolutely hear Malachi saying exactly that.

“Was that it?” Something told me there was more. Some other tidbit Helena hadn’t mentioned yet. And even our sweet, sheltered Hel had a ghost of a smile on her face when she gave the parting shot.

“He said you can ditch thegood panties. You won’t need them.”

Chapter Eight


“Thank you for your help, Franklin. Yes, I’ll make sure Gia Blackstone and her group are happy to be staying at Seafoam. Extra fruit baskets and champagne, courtesy of my resort.” I nodded, listening to the man on the other end of the phone. “Let’s keep this between you and me,” I added as I ended the call.

My grin was wider than the Grand Canyon. Finding Maisy hadn’t even been a challenge. She was at the Seafoam Resort next to the Boardwalk. It was much busier than our place, less secluded, with a more bustling nightlife.

But that didn’t matter because if I’d heard her right, we weren’t going out. I had some explaining to do-- she called itgroveling, tomato tomahto-- before I gave her the “rogering of a lifetime”.

I shook my head as I strolled down the sidewalk of the commons area. My girl was half magical moonlit nights, half feisty avenging angel… with horns.

I was about to experience her other half. And I couldn’t fucking wait.

Shifting, I conspicuously adjusted my cock behind my trousers.

There were a few more calls to make before I could see Maisy.

The first was to her girlfriends. I tried the numbers I had on file for Gia and Kara, but oddly, it was quiet Helena I got an answer from. After some convincing, she agreed to make sure Maisy stayed in tonight. I couldn’t take any chances that my littleginger snapwould change her mind and go out with her friends.

For how was a man to grovel if the object of his affection was nowhere to be found?

My second call went to a friend who worked at the boardwalk amusement park. Sloane took less convincing than Helena, and I could practically hear him smirking through the line as I detailed what I needed him to do.

“Did you write that down?” I asked.

“Got it, stud,” he drawled. “Every dot and comma. Man, you must’ve really fucked up to be making promises like this.”

“Nah,” I sighed. “I just gotta let my girl know I’m serious.”

“It’s like that, eh?”